The Writing Hut

Most of you who follow the news around the world didn’t miss the revealing of the CIA Torture Report by the Senate Intelligence Committee. Its a 500 page report that shows what methods were used to extract information from terrorists. Its a known fact that the USA secret services used such in human methods to get information out of their enemies to gain an advantage and prevent another 9/11 disaster. Torture is a way of restricting a persons human rights to live peacefully , his freedom is taken away and this is a method that it is used only in desperate times. I do understand the fact that the USA leaders were in a desperate situation. There are two sides to this story and now the whole USA is a bit in a shock since the report was released. People can’t really say now what the report actually is. One one hand you have the media who claims that it shows that some methods were successful and lead to capturing the mastermind behind 9/11  Khalid Sheikh Muhammed and a lot of other high ranked jihadists, and on the other side are the media that say that torture wasn’t right and that the USA didn’t obtain any valuable information about anything related to Al-Qaeda .

But before I go on why both sides have their wrong and right sides I want to talk about the third side of this which might be easily called the dumb side of media aka Fox News. If you would ask Andrea Tantaros , a Fox news host that really does not understand the matter at hand. FIrst of all she says how the USA is an awesome country (which I partially agree on , it has its perks as every other country in the world) and then states that this report publication is just a way to show how not awesome USA is and its just a sinister plot from the Obama administration to ruin the rep of the Republicans even more. Don’t you hate those kind of people who tell you that you shouldn’t know the secret wrongdoings of your own country ?

Well back on the two important things , I will keep this as short as possible. First we will start with the desperate measures excuse that was used to approve those methods of extracting information. Indeed it was wrong , horribly wrong what people did to other people and this is one of the wrong doings of the first side of the media that sides with the use of torture, well they don’t actually side with it as they admit it was wrong to torture people but they agree that this method has helped to gain information that prevented another 9/11. Those were valuable information’s that were obtained through the wrong way.

For the other side we have media that clearly opposes those ways and states that the information obtained with that method didn’t help anybody. I can only disagree with their second statement as there is proof of the obtained information actually being helpful , on the other hand I disagree with the tactics used.

The thing that impresses me the most is that those methods were used for a long time, really long time before anyone would start really to oppose to them. This is what really worries me. It is human nature to use anything to the extreme to survive but if you knew that people were being tortured why didn’t you do something about it?

Instead we have this discussion on fox news by our dear reporter Andrea Tantaros:

“The United States of America is awesome,” she said. “We are awesome. But we’ve had this discussion. We’ve closed the book on it, and we’ve stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we’re not awesome. They apologized for this country, they don’t like this country, they want us to look bad. And all this does is have our enemies laughing at us, that we are having this debate again.”


This shows how narrow minded some people are , with this statement you are basically saying that if everyone else does it they are terrorists if the USA does it its ok and no one should know about it because it was the rightful way to get back at those terrorists .
I think there is a valuable lesson to be taken out of this event. We are all humans, not all of us are good , not all of us are bad no matter our background , religion, gender or  nationality , all of us make mistakes its up to us to find those mistakes and fix them. We may not be forgiven for the mistakes we make but I am sure we can correct them in the future and let love region over hate .

Stay Awake,
The Solktovic


  1. I say the only time to be tortured is to torture a mass murderer who definitely deserves the death penalty. People use torture for their power and they want an ego boost. They don’t need to torture though. There is a lot of evil in this world.

  2. I don’t know what to say.I don’t want to support criminals but some of then might not be bad people.

    In fact,they might be forced to do stuff, they don’t like.

    Anyway,I don’t really agree with using extreme torture methods to extract information.Just stating my opinion.

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