Starting from last week I started to be more active in the Reddit community. It is really an fun place to discuss and discover a lot of things that might interest you. One of those things that piqued my interest was a very controversial post about razors.
Mainly this one post : /r/TumblrInAction/Razors-are-misogynistic .
The post states how the owner of the blog thenaebyrd777 testing out two types of razors :
The Female dedicated one : Bic Soleil Twilight Scented [Cost: 7$ Razors: 4]
The Male dedicated one: Gillette Custom Plus 3 [Cost: 9$ Razors: 4]
The result was that Gillette was the better product ( . Therefor it was clearly to everyone that this was an clear attack towards women right ?
Quote from the brave tester thenaebyrd777 :
Guess which leg is which?
You were probably right. The left leg (aka the bloody one) was shaved with a womens’ razor (The only kind of razor I have ever used) and the right (the pristine one without a scratch) was shaved by the mens’ – for the first time. We are being duped ladies. At first, none of the blood showed up and I was afraid my experiment was pointless but by the time I finished the other leg, I had my results. This is entirely real and I’m really not surprised. I doubt any of you are either. So I highly recommend using Mens’ Gillette razors for both your legs and armpits. (I did the same experiment with my underarms and the one I used the women’s razor has razor burn, the other did not :/ ) However, I used both for the lady bits and so the results for that are not really viable.
Of course people would guess that the winner would be Gillette not because it was a man’s razor company but rather because of the quality difference between those two companies. I used both Bic and Gillette shave myself. One of the Bic razors I used was one of the cheapest one I could get. It cut me so many times that it was a pain to wash my face afterwards. On the other hand I used the cheapest version of Gillette’s razors . It really showed a difference of quality. Indeed I was cut but not as many times.
What made me a bit furious about the post on reddit. I understand the dissatisfaction about the product but you can’t just go online and say “Female Razors are just worse than man’s razors because we live in a misogynistic!” . Of course Gillette would have softer and much better blades than a cheaper product that is meant for legs. You can’t tell me that you take a better care of your legs than our face, therefore you can’t tell me that there isn’t a difference between a razor for facial hair and a razor for leg hair.
As far as I know Gillette is a company that is specified in their domain, actually the best company in the field of producing and selling razor blades and on the other hand you have Bic who are more focused on producing pens if my information’s are correct. So why would you trust a company that produces pens ?
Think about it this way, there are only a handful of products that are cheap and good.
This post is another ridicules try to create a impression that this world was build for men only. I do understand the fact that Bic female razors are not the best, but have you tried the Bic man’s razor blades ? I have and if I’d show you a picture I would probably trigger some of you out there who are reading this with an angry image of a white male behind his laptop typing this article just to anger and keep women chained.
Well guess again I am nor black nor typing this to attack you but rather to defend from your attacks. Keep in mind we live in the same world, if it says for men that doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Heck I used my ex-girlfriends shampoo all the time, it smells beautiful. I knew it was for women but why would a label stop me?
Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic
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