A new fresh start, yet again!

I know, I know. I am impressed too on how many times I posted on TWH for the first time, it’s like a yearly routine to start a new with a post on how things will change and how I will write more, and to cut to the chase, I shall post, but not regularly, yet I will try to do so.

It all comes down again to our new untested format and hopefully my free time will help me out this time. And if you are curious dear reader, to what I have been up to (not that you are curious but it’s my blog in the end and this post needs more filler text), well mostly basketball research and studying for my Coaching course, also worked as a ghostwriter and well worked as a basketball coach. Honestly speaking I went into some days like with so many things to do that I just took naps, which is what all of us “highly intellectuals of the internet” do ( aka millennial crybaby’s). But off with that, now I have finally established a schedule like all those successful YouTube personalities who help you become a millionaire. So get ready because I shall be rich….as soon as I get out of bed, maybe tomorrow or next Friday sounds good?

Anyhow, I hope you will enjoy my writings, and as for the old posts, they are under review, all 400+ of them. They shall be published one by one as soon as I am done correcting and editing them (grammatically and format).

Thanks for the time, and I hope to see you in the comment section.

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