Who we are
A site for the open minded and creative
We are a small yet free site. Your thoughts and works have a home here as a free place to share your works, discuss opinions and debate hot topics.
It is always hard to find a place where your opinion can be shared and expressed as you want to. Of course we have a warning for the youngest readers for articles that have inappropriate content for humans under the age of 18.
As said this is a space for all to express themselves and show their works, be it an poem, story or be it a fact filled article about some social issue, we host all of them, as long as you express yourself in your unique way and show the world what you think or make them imagine a new world through your poems and stories, we welcome you here.
So what are you waiting for? Share your works with the world through The Writing Hut.
What we do
Create, Share and Discuss everything
Currently we write a lot of poetry and create a bit controversial articles, we love to go into the controversial as it’s just the hipster way…but we hate hipsters so we do it in like a nice way, not with beards and fancy suite in neon colors.
So what exactly do we write about??
Easy, everything that we like. Mostly, as stated above, it’s poetry or social and political issues, all the things that happen around the world. Disclaimer alert, we do not provide news, we might give new things out but we don’t write news, we mostly comment on it and the events, not report them.
The other thing we do is trying to get you out there. If your piece is worth reading we will share it with the world and try to get you into that spot light.