I will never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be able to find the perfect one. This thought goes on and on in my mind no matter what happens to me in life, and when I think I found the prefect person she corrects me and shows me what a big mistake I made.
Does my happiness depend from someone else? Oh another thought that wanders constantly into my mind, could you believe it? Me thinking about such a hard topic at such an early age. I might be one of a kind , a guy who actually thinks about romance, laughable by society until society finds out I am 6’6”(2m) tall then society kinda looks a bit scared the other way and only talks about me behind my back, well its the same for everyone I guess. But hey , there is always a bright side of the…what was it shoe ? Well I guess one side is brighter than the other as on one you step. What a great comparison, the life of a human being with soul and bones and everything, not that any of you have a pure soul thats worth anything, and the life of a shoe . Like you know everyone can be beautiful on the outside like a shoe but if you look down on its sole most of us have dirt under it. I myself probably need to clean my shoes , don’t know bout you but I think you should check yours from time to time too.