To prove the point that the feminazis of the world would mostly eat up any hashtag that is connected to equality, the users of 4chan decided to create #PissForEqualit. Epic and really really disgusting!
You would’ve think that they wouldn’t fall for a trick like this:
But then again what did you expect from this demented movement that went into #FreeBleed, #IStandWithButs and other crazy hashtags. I honestly laughed my ass off seeing that people actually went with it:
I mean common what will it be next?
How do people get so easily influenced online I will never understand even though I am a lot online and probably wouldn’t resist without the internet a day.
Anyway we are lucky that there are only a handful of special snowflakes were infected by this. But who knows the next hashtag might be as popular as #ManTheHarpooons or whatever that was with photoshoping fat girls into normal ones.
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