Book Review: The Adventures of Baron Münchausen

And what an adventure it is.
You can not read a better comedy book about adventures of one guy. I can tell you that I constantly laughed at the vulgar adventures of this man, a man who can make everyone laugh due to his ways of living.

Basically we have this Baron who is just not giving a flying fart about anything that goes on and does anything he wants to do.

Just check this rich dialogs out:

Baron Munchausen: The Sultan is going to cut off my head.
Adolphus: And?
Baron Muchausen: And?

Sultan: What about the virgins?
Horatio: Sultan forget about the virgins! We’re out of virgins?

Sultan: Have you any famous last words?
Baron Munchausen: Not yet.
Sultan: Not yet? Is that so famous?

Baron Munchausen: I’m Baron Munchausen!
Berthold: That sounds nasty. Is it contagious?

Baron Munchausen: Come on, Berthold.
Baron Munchausen: You’re coming with us.
Berthold: No chance!
Baron Munchausen: Why not?
Berthold: I can’t remember.
Baron Munchausen: You’re not frightened, are you?
Berthold: That’s it!


Buy it and read it. You will surely enjoy it, but be aware it is a bit vulgar and it might not be for everyone.

My Rating: 5 Stars(Must Read)


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