Personal Definitions of Words

You could say that this is a recent trend online, redefining words to fit your personal agenda.
For example words like sexism and rape are often redefined to turn the victims into offenders. Let’s take sexism for example, it’s definition is :
Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. Sexism affects men and women.

It is indeed a horrible thing that tends to affect women more than men but that doesn’t mean that men don’t get discriminated based on their gender. Anyhow, that’s the true definition of sexism. What people do with it is change it, like for example:
Sexism is when someone has prejudices about a woman based on her gender.


There is no reverse sexism, men can’t be the victims of sexism.

Those definitions are used to destroy someones cry for help. By saying that you can’t be a victim they basically take your rights away. This is something I really have a problem with. It’s denying the basic rights of a human being and taking advantage of it, making yourself a hero while making the victim more miserable.
Both genders can be victims of rape, both genders can be victims of sexism and everyone can be a victim of racism. If you don’t understand this you do not the basics of life. Defining words is not something that should be left with the tumblr feminists who are most of the time ether racist or sexist (most of the time this does not apply to all feminists or tumblr feminists), it is just wrong to define words and turn victims into offenders/heroes into villains. Please stop.

Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic

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