No Boys Allowed Club

Woah woah, don’t you dare think this is sexist or anything. Reverse sexism is fake so girls/women can’t be sexist, because they are girls/women.
The Seattle University turned into a “No Boys Allowed” facility on Saturday.

“We’re not trying to exclude boys,” said Jen Sorensen, the program’s organizer and chemistry professor at Seattle University. “We’re trying to provide an opportunity for girls who might not even realize these career opportunities are available to them.”

Said the professor who doesn’t ant to exclude buys but did it anyway.
We all understand the idea behind this and I actually think it is good that they want to open up a path for girls to go into science, but then again you are doing it with methods that will again create a gap between the genders. Wouldn’t it be better to allow everyone to attend? Doesn’t this kind of thing lead to girls thinking that they are better than boys?

In a way it is a good idea to motivate young people to be interested in science, but do we really have to make everything into a gender based competition where we separate the genders and make them believe that they are far more competent than the other gender in a field?

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Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic

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