Double standards aren’t so uncommon in the radical feminist movement. Worst part about it is denying an artist their freedom of creating something because they get triggered.
But there is a deeper idioticy to this than you might think. Wanna be feminists or (my preferred name for them) feminazis get inside a fandom and just ruin it with their criticism. Everything that someone doesn’t like will be destroyed by the screaming flashy colored herd of sheep that thinks they are some kind of Warriors for Social Justice and equal rights.
Some of the most recent attacks include the DC Universe. Covers of comic books are turned into poster for rape culture by those feminazis that don’t know a bit about the DC Universe.
It would be the same thing as me going into a pharmacy and claiming that Trojan is a condom that doesn’t protect good just because of it’s name, of course I would not know how to use it or anything but I would scream my lungs out on the poor person working there. Can you imagine how the artists feels? Drawing something special hoping that it will be liked but then you hear the screaming rage of the modern feminists.
It is just sad how our freedom of expression is constantly reduced, the worst part is it is not by the some government or some military forces, no it’s by societies own trash. Yes I said it, those are people who are only there to make it worse for everyone else by trying to make it better for themselves.
Because you feel offended by it your thoughts get delusional. Some things are just not the way they seem, but you can’t use logic on some people.
Anyway, my conclusion is that we should always be open about art. Someone took a lot of time to create something, the message that we understand from it might differ but we should always keep in mind that this is art and no matter how offensive it might be for us it may be the most beautiful thing for others.
Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic
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