The Writing Hut

For those of you who don’t know Salma Islam, she is a Britihs born journalist/writer who is currently residing in Cairo. I just recently picked up her article and read about her views on the Muslims in Europe. To the question in her article I have to ask one question first:
Do you see Christians or Buddhist/Satanists or any other religion forcing on their religion in the Islamic countries?
The problem is not if Muslims can belong in Europe
, but can they accept the people who already reside in Europe. It’s not like every country and every European citizen shuns the Muslims who come to their country, the problem starts when Muslims or any other religious person requests a special treatment in a country he is not born in. This is exactly why Putin is hated so much, its because he doesn’t give in to the foreigners demands or (which I personally don’t like) the LGBT ones.
Anyhow let’s get back on topic, Salma says that the country, England, considers you an enemy if you are against free speech, to quote her words:

The discourse following the attack has disappointingly, but not unexpectedly, been put in very simplistic terms – the ‘you’re either with us or against us’ discourse that so often prevails at times like this. In this case it’s ‘you’re either for freedom of speech or not’ and to criticise Charlie Hebdo and their decision to use an image of the Prophet Mohammed on their latest cover puts you in the latter camp.

What she is implying is that if you are against freedom of speech, the country will somehow put you in a camp. You miss have the right to critic Charlie Hebdo as much as you want, but you need to prepared yourself for consequences that will follow with this critique, remember everyone has the right to have an opinion therefor everyone has the right to ether agree or disagree with your opinion in a polite or impolite manner. And to be honest you are not put in “the latter camp” because you are a Muslim, but because you are against the freedom of speech of others and with it support the killing of those brave and brilliant cartoonist. I don’t even think you know what it means to live in fear for expressing yourself.

Interest in Charlie Hebdo has never been higher. They printed more than seven million of its first edition since the attack, which made headlines all over the world. In other words, it got huge exposure. They had an opportunity to disassociate the killers from Islam, but instead, using the Prophet’s image on the cover, did the opposite and reinforced racial stereotypes.

However my main concern is more the use of the words “All is forgiven” that accompanied the image. Exactly who are they forgiving? It can’t be the killers who are already dead. It therefore associates all Muslims around the world with the attack. I have nothing to do with this attack and nor do I have anything to apologise or be forgiven for. Suggesting that I, or all the other majority of peaceful Muslims across the world, do so is both irresponsible and dangerous. It’s ultimately Europe’s Muslim communities that will mainly bear the brunt of this.

What you are saying here is that the Charlie Hebdo newspaper should be thankful for the massacre. Just look at how many papers they sold and how many recognition they got from the world. Are you serious?
Then you say that they should’ve used the image of the killers, my bad terrorist, jihadists to be precise. Well why would they?
And to your information they are forgiving the terrorists who killed their friends and coworkers. How was that not clear for you?
You don’t have to apologise, I mean its not like you were with it or against it in the first place isn’t that right?
Anyhow, what fascinates me is the last sentence in this paragraph “It’s ultimately Europe’s Muslim communities that will mainly bear the brunt of this.” .
How are you a BRITISH citizen saying that only Europe’s Muslim communities will bear the burden while you are in Cairo?
Do you understand that the burden will be spread everywhere, the burden of not having the wrong impression of all Muslims, the burden of country leaders to let Muslims in their countries… don’t dare use the feminazis tactics of professional victimhood on the Muslim community. It is indeed not their fault, but they are also not so innocent are they ?

I speared my self the brain damage by only reading the rest of the thing, I don’t want to comment on how idiotic it is but I do have to answer your question don’t I ?
No, not the one in the title, the one is self explanatory and I think I answered it in the first paragraph. The one I am referring to is the ending question of your article :

Is Europe doing enough to integrate its Muslim population?

Why should it?
Tell me why should Europe actually move a finger to adjust to your religious needs?
Did the Muslim world ever helped their Buddhist communities or Christian?
This is how idiotic you are, thinking that its a good idea to go in another country and have that country on its knees making every little and silly wish of yours come true.
I am sorry to all the Muslims out there, I do not consider you a threat, I consider the extremist group of your religion rather annoying. I respect your ways until you start disrespecting mine, its the same rule for Christianity and any other religion that wants me to change so that they can feel better .
Miss Salma Islam, I have a little advice for you, install some common sense inside your brain and use it.



Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic


  1. Not all Muslims are terrorists. As a matter of fact, the people which murdered those innocents may claim they’re Muslims but they’re not! It’s clearly stated in the Holy Qu’ran those who murder (excluding self-defence) are not Muslims.

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