When the flowers bloom, I won’t be able to see them, with you.
As the world grows old, I remember what I was once told, by you.
Child, when the time comes, when I am gone, don’t cry for me alone.
I will always be near you, if the flowers bloom or not, I will be with you.
When the time comes, that I disappear, and you are all grown, please remember the time in which you were born.
The world waits for your greatness as it has waited for mine, so don’t cry child, be proud even if I am not around.
And when the silent melody starts playing in my head, I had just realized you were dead.
The tears won’t stop, I know, I promised but I can’t hold back.
I feel that my heart won’t resist any longer, why can’t I be stronger?
All of you, all of you have gone away, so tell me why did I have to stay?
Why couldn’t I go with you, why can’t I see you?
Tear’s of fear, tears of joy, tears of pain, I thought it was all in vain.
But now I cannot stop, I am in a shock.
The tears won’t stop, why did you all have to go away?
Why is it so painful to be alive today?
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