Doomsday Clock set to 3 minutes to midnight

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved the clock of our men-made doomsday clock to 3 minutes to midnight. It might not be as serious…oh no wait it is kinda serious. If you think about it the clock was set to 3 minutes before midnight back in 1958 at the peak of the Cold War. So its kinda a big deal. Of course things have changed, or have sort of changed. We as society have changed  but only in the way of thinking. How many times did you say to yourself “We need to do about this global warming, it will destroy us” but still you smoked, used the car way too often or littered. Its the same for most of the people out there. We as a society are slowly failing to see the problems because we say to ourselves its not that big of a deal. Well it kinda is now. If we keep going on like this every time I don’t think anything will help us stop the disaster. No matter how you look at it we are like kids, we get schooled for something and don’t do that thing for a while, after a while we forget about it and do it again and get schooled again. We simply don’t learn from our mistakes.
There are two evils that lurk to destroy humanity as it is right now. One is global warming , which I elaborated earlier and the second one is war. Indeed war, even if its the most peaceful time since decades, there is still a chance that the things with Russia and Ukraine escalate, Isis is waging their holy war in every country they possibly can, North Korea keeps the USA on high alert. When you look around you can see that fights are going on daily and really no one is safe. Religions of peace turning to arms to ether defend their right to live or to destroy other lives due to the smallest offenses according to their holy book. Its a really scary time in which we live but does anyone notice that?
Not really, we are like sheep following someone who promises us the green grass from the other side rather than telling us the truth about this side and the other side. They are all the same, grass is everywhere after all, but we are blinded, we cannot see that because we are lead by a blind leader who believes in his own lies.
But there is some hope for humanity, still. Thanks to the internet and the global communication people tend to be more friendly towards others, no matter the nationality. This is the thing that prevents the Third World War in my opinion. Also a higher education, people’s brains have evolved and you can’t tell me its not true. People are more informed then they were 24-50 years ago therefor I concur that a possibility of World War III is really small.
To end this article I will leave the message from Richard Somerville to the world leaders :
“We call upon world leaders to take coordinated and rapid action to drastically reduce global emissions of heat-trapping gases, especially carbon dioxide,” said Richard Somerville, a member of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board, and a distinguished professor emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in a statement. “We also urge the citizens of the world to demand action from their leaders. This threat looms over all of humanity. We all need to respond now, while there is still time.”
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