Why is the support for Isis greater in Europe than in Syria

The Writing Hut

If you think about its more normal to have more supporters outside the war zone. I mean those people do not feel the effects of war or at least most of them do not have any connection to it other than being a extreme religious person .  The ones that show their support from Europe are mostly people who have read an article just like this one that states that ISIS is something that god or Muhammad wanted.

Ether way the ISIS guys seem to be able to send their messages of hate online pretty effective, as we can all see they have a lot of support from Europe. But what they fail to realize is that the support that comes from Europe will not have any major effect on the states that are damaged from the constant war that they created.
War changes people, it changes their way of thinking. If before you there was peace and when you came there was war, there was chaos its only logical that I won’t trust you anymore. Therefor ISIS is starting to lose the war. They might have won a few battles at the start with the , we want our states to unite because we are of the same religion stuff but they created a war and the reason they created this war is religion. Not only does it affect the way the people from the affected territory think about ISIS but it affects the whole world.

The abuse of religion as a cause to do horrible stuff isn’t a new one , its pretty old if I remember correctly from my history classes. But this time around you cant just go religious people vs heretics. This time it is all different. There are religious people who are not prepared to risk their life just so that their neighbor converts to his religion, people who are not religious at all and people who are religious but have a functioning brain that tells them what right is and what wrong is. And because of those reason ISIS will not be able to prevail, it caused and will only cause pain and death to a lot of people for a reason that will have zero importance in the future and I am sure of it that it will not matter in 20 years.

People nowadays seem to be more aware of the happenings on the other side of the world. While many attack ISIS as a terrorist organization they do not forget that their main cause for creating this chaos is because of religion. People blame them for using Islam as a cause to start a war which not only damages the religion itself but the point of view of others towards a person who is of Islamic faith . I personally do not believe that all Muslims are evil or that all Christians are good, I tend to be the neutral person who first gets to know you and then thinks of you as a good or as a bad person, the problem is that actions that were taken with a purpose of defending or doing something for a certain religion may damage the first impression of the followers of that one religion, therefor I don’t see why any Muslim would support ISIS.

The ISIS goal of creating and unifying a state wouldn’t be a big problem in my opinion, heck if it would help the people who live in those countries out why not?  But the way the want to unify it and the way the want to region over it after its unified is just wrong. Freedom would be none existent, religious minorities would probably be enslaved and executed, people surely wouldn’t live better in such harsh conditions.

Now its good and bad that they are able to spread their hate messages on the internet. The good part is that everyone can see what their plan is and judge for themselves what the right thing is. The bad part is that there are people who are too much devoted to religion and may take it as a declaration of war to their own religion or they may take it as a call to arms to defend their religion , which I think is wrong no matter what way you look at it. ISIS isn’t there to defend Islam, its not there to create a peaceful place for all Muslims, its a hate group that spreads chaos while blaming religion for it. God didn’t kill and torture innocent people , ISIS did, not because gods will, they did it on their own will they just claim that god told them to do so.


Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic


  1. To me religion only causes problems but it is a part of human nature.
    Humans want to feel safe so they create some god or group of gods that can stand as a father figure. Christians like to believe that the resurrection of Jesus is unique when it actually isn’t. Dionysus, Persephone, Osiris, Odin, Ganesha, Lemminkainen, Tammuz, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl and Attis these are all gods that died and resurrected there are more but that would be a bit of a bother to write all of them down.

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