Veronika Scott a former student at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit created a wonderful project for her assignment for her design class. She created a coat that could be transformed into a sleeping bag. Wonderful right ?
The project The Empowerment Plan started back in 2010 and now it is a small nonprofit organization with 13 employees who gets orders from various helping organizations .
I think this is a great steep for humankind , I mean designing something that could be useful for people who struggle give you just the faith back in humanity. Detroit has a huge problems as it is but this is one thing that can help motivate people who are on the streets due to some unfortunate circumstances. The coat represents a hope, it tells them hey someone still cares about you .
Veronika used to spend a lot of time in a homeless shelter to get help from the people there to design her coat that can be turned into a sleeping bag . It was her work and her determination with the help of others that created this piece of clothing that can be so helpful for the people who do not have a place to sleep . I really admire such people, people who change the world bit by bit, starting with a small idea that one day will be remembered as a idea that helped solve a issue. She addressed the problem from the perspective of the people living on the edge and she manged to come up with an great idea.
Now you must be wondering why the title of this article is “Your coats don’t matter, jobs matter.” well it wasn’t all nice from the start. As she came with the idea one homeless woman said “Your coats don’t matter, jobs matter. We need jobs, not coats.” and this is where Veronika shows how dedicated she is to her project. Quoting her own words:
“She said, ‘Your coats don’t matter, jobs matter. We need jobs, not coats,’” Scott said. “It was then about who I could employ.”
People who are on the streets are not happy with their situation, especially not if someone comes and tries to help them by just giving them some cloths. It hurts the human pride , there for I understand the stand point of the woman who said she don’t need the coats she needs a job. There are also people on the other side who live the good life and when they help and someone’s complaining about their help they just stop helping. You have to understand that the homeless people go to a huge amount of struggle, but they are still human beings who can think for themselves , who still have their pride and who sometimes might see you in a different way than you think.
The amazing thing that Veronika did is to create a nonprofit organization that hires only homeless people, 13 employees who were or still are homeless are currently working at The Empowerment Project in Detroit. Its sometimes amazing what a single human being can do for a lot of people that have it harder then themselves.
This is why I love this project its not only that they go and give a coat out and just leave the person be, they try to help people by giving them jobs in a city where jobs started to become something that’s really hard to get to. This project has great potential to spread across the glob, as I am sure there are a lot of people who would need such care , even the smallest act of kindness can sometimes be the biggest motivation in someones live.
Thank you for reading I hope you’ll check out the great project at their site .
Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic
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