Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

When I first found this book I’ve put it aside for a later date. It didn’t really catch my eye enough for me to read it right away. What a mistake.

Following the thoughts of Clay Jensen who is listening to the tape that was left in a mysterious box in the garage.
Vivid descriptions of his emotions are given for the reader to really get into his world as he listens to the tapes from his crush who committed suicide, Hanna Baker. Without spoiling the story let me introduce you to my thoughts about this book.

Thirteen Reasons Why takes you away from the classic story development, it’s one of those stories that you just can’t predict, quite frankly I am bothered by not being able to predict something but I love it at the same time because those kid of books, like this one, are the ones that will stay in your mind for the longest time.
Dealing with someones suicide isn’t an easy thing, especially if that person was a love interest. Jay Asher portrays this emotional roller coaster really well and shows you how society affects us in the strangest ways, everything you do might affect someone and you won’t even notice it.
My mind was blown away by the whole story of Clay and Hanna, it could’ve gone both ways, fairy tale or dark tale, and yet because of a few right people at the wrong place it took the turn to the dark tale.

The book should be a delicious dessert for the readers who enjoy YA mysteries with a sparkle of romance that ends in tragedy. You will be able to explore the mind of a person who committed suicide and a person who felt for her, it’s just a wild ride on the emotional train and it doesn’t stop in any moment.  If you are interested in that kind of books, well look no further because you will need only that one reason to read Thirteen Reasons Why.

It’s a short read that will hopefully make you rethink a bit some of your actions, I know I did think about mine a bit.




  1. Maddie Avatar

    I’ve seen this book the last several times I’ve been to the bookstore, yet I never picked it up. The only reason I didn’t was I was looking for books that continued some series or another that I was in the middle of reading and I didn’t want to start another book until I finished the stuff I had already started. I may pick this up one day, once I’ve finished some other things. Thank you for sharing your review!

    1. Srdjan Solkotovic Avatar
      Srdjan Solkotovic

      I must say it is a nice book if you are into let’s say different kind of life stories. For me it was interesting 🙂

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