The Writing Hut


Feminist all over the world go on and on how we should teach men not to rape, which I think is sexist (by it you are assuming that every man is born with the need to rape and is an animal), but we never hear them talk about teaching girls not to hit boys. Well at least not until now.  Whoopi Goldberg started talking about it on The View, a talk show mostly about girls and women. She addressed a recent event where the guy hit the girl, but it is known that she hit him first, therefore she had all the rights to hit her back didn’t he.
But no we have those women there screaming over Goldbergs opinion because they disagree and what else could a wild feminist do when they disagree with someone than scream their ideas out.
You can clearly hear “It is never right to hit a woman unless you are in life threatening danger” .
Really, REALLY!
I should wait until the person beats me to a plump and then still wait a bit more because I am still not in a life risking situation.
As Goldberg said “If you hit him, he has the right to hit you back.” . It is indeed true that men are, on average, physically stronger than women, but that doesn’t mean that girls can’t hit you/kill you.

But you really have to fight to bring this fact out there, as proven by the video, it is hard to explain to some feminists that women can be wrong at times. What endurance does it take so that you would stand there and let a woman hit you until she leaves scars on your body or damages your health for ever, worse even kills you?

Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic



  1. This is true that society views this the same way. In my opinion a girl slapping a guy for something she really felt was called for (e.g. cheating, insulting, etc) is not an excuse for the guy to slap or punch her back. Now if the girl is coming at him with let’s say a baseball bat I say he has the right to tackle her. I think it really depends on the situation. Generally though I think whether you are a man or woman it’s in your best interest just to remove yourself from the situation just walk/run away before anyone gets hurt.

    1. I agree there are things like that for a reason, but even then it should not be done. We should only use violence to defend ourselves but it is hard not to understand the need to slap someone if they cheated on you.
      Totally agree with the last statement. It is just better to walk away.

  2. I agree with you on this on some parts. If a girl hits a guy, yes, the guy has the right to hit the girl back. But, why would they? I would be the bigger person and not hit the girl whatsoever. In today’s society, there’s a saying “never hit a girl.” This isn’t a law because there is no specific proof or evidence saying it is. Therefor, a guy may hit a girl, but it wouldn’t look too good for the guy. Yes, I agree that men are physically stronger than women, but still, why would you hit a girl back? Just because she hit you, doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful back.

    1. The point of this is that men should have the right to hit a girl if she hits first as self defense. We are indeed most of the time stronger but what if the girl doesn’t stop?
      What if she keeps hitting you? If the man is not allowed to hit back and it is considered disrespectful to hit the girl back, then we are still far away from true equality in the gender department.
      This is basically the same as “Teach men not to rape” statement. Men are looked upon as punching bags while women are the princesses who are always right.
      It is never right to hit anyone and Goldberg explained it very good I think so check out the video.

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