Up high, where the winds blow everything away
High in the mountains, where the cold freezes everything
Where life and death is not in our hands anymore
There I want to go
I want to see, if there should be
A future without me
Despair, death and agony
Test my will to live
Set me free
If I die, will it be a tragedy?
If I live, will it be a blessing?
The universe spins, there are things we cannot control
I know that, I hate that
Every night I walk on that thin thread
Waiting for it to break
For me to fall
But every time it breaks
It fixes itself
And every time I fall
I feel someone pushing me back
In the darkness I cannot see
Who gave up on their life for me
But I can feel, I can tell
That’s why I want to go to the mountain
That’s why I want to see
What the future holds for me
Who those people were
That loved me.
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