Ovally Trap

First of all it took me ages to find this one, not that I actively searched for it or something , I mean  I could’ve find it in seconds but decided to wait decades until I see someone post the famous picture of this manga with a source.
A typical shoujo manga that is focused on a high school girl and high school boy (SHOCKU)…. Its a one shot but its pretty cute as the girl tries to look cute so that she could take revenge on her classmate who is constantly teasing her. Things go wrong and he notices that and well makes her cry like any other smart guy would do (what the ? ). Short story even shorter, she runs into his arms and confesses to him then you can see what happens if you look at the picture above . As it is a one shot I can’t really tell a lot about the characters but here are my ratings :

Story:  10/20
Plot Development:  2/20
Characters: 7/20
Art: 11/20
Personal Rating:  10/20
Rating: 40/100


  1. Devin Avatar

    This image you showed is really cute, but I personally believe it would be better if I had the story to go along with it.

    1. The Solkotovic Avatar
      The Solkotovic

      Read the manga here is the link : http://www.mangahere.co/manga/ovally_trap/c000/

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