During the course of the past few days, if not week there was a pattern of articles and videos published about men in general. The theme of all of those articles and videos was the change in behavior of men towards women. The articles claim that due to the feminazis agenda , the typical man who was able to somehow in a clumsy way approach a woman and talk to her, was dieing out.
I had mixed fillings about this articles and videos, mainly because I am a man and it hurt my pride to admit that there is some truth behind it. Thank goodness there was a person online who tried to make it clear. Alexandra Blue had posted a video about how blaming women isn’t right and that women go through a lot of trouble daily and basically telling men to man up. That video honestly made me mad , because she basically made a point that women have it harder, which is sometimes true. Both genders have their own problems that they face on a daily basis. Anyhow that’s not the point. The point of this article is the men who are checking out of society. Its a trend indeed. Personally I think humans tend to go in the direction of a easy life with as few as possible stressful or embarrassing situations during their life time. Its something pretty common nowadays due to our population being at the peak. I mean there are billions of people and not everyone can be famous and rich, therefor we accept that we are going to live a dull but stress free life. Plus we have the internet which can replace happiness a lot of times in your life. I know I enjoy my games and songs online and don’t care about anyone else out there.
The problem, that intensifies the use of the internet and going out of societies way, is created by confusing the signals. Instead of flirting or an polite approach the female who was brain washed by a feminazi thinks that she is attacked or is raped by the male who approaches her with no ill intent. The worst part about this is that even though the guy didn’t intend to rape, abuse or harass the girl she can claim he did and he will pretty much be buried alive if he cannot provide concrete evidence. Her word is going against his and in many cases , her’s wins. This naturally scares the male. I mean who wouldn’t be scared?
A clumsy mistake could cost you your whole future…why risk it ?
There are so many factors why this is really discouraging for men. You can call me a women hater and whatever you want but didn’t you create such a situation dear pretend to be feminists ?
I don’t have nothing against real feminism , but this feminazism of the tumblerets who are mass brain washing 13-16 year old girls, implanting in their minds false definitions of rape and how society works, that’s just beyond me and I really don’t like the idea behind of it. Many feminists denounce those tumblerts and feminazis, they bash them with logic and the feminazis flee to their safe spaces and pretend to be a victim of rape, even though they are still virgins.
Dear women, I am sorry for all the troubles you go through but men have it thought also. Indeed in our society it is hard to find the ideal partner, but its not impossible. Our generations are pretty much influenced by the internet and television, we are almost hopeless when it comes to having a relationship with a none dream like partner. It’s even harder now , thanks to a good organized group of radical individuals who want to create a society that fits their believes. Looking at it a bit better we are all to blame, we allowed this to happen and now we are slowly getting divided into boxes. See this is what the feminazis are doing , they do not fight for equality or to stop racism they are enforcing it. By labeling us and stereotyping each individual not only by their gender or skin color but also by their believes and whether they are a feminist or not. This is really Brain Damaging. Morgan Freeman said best I think, to stop racism we need to stop talking about it. The same can be used for equality. We should stop looking at people and seeing color or gender. Why blame straight or gay or bi people for something? Why making people of color or white people feel a certain way? Why making the female gender weaker than the male?
Why fill our mind with stereotypes instead of judging a person by their action?
Those are questions that each of you should ask yourself. The answer is pretty easy for removing racism and sexism, just think of the person in front of you as a person, not as a white or black or green person, just a person. Not a female or male person, simply a person. It is wrong to stereotyping them , but I do not think it would be wrong if you judge them by their actions. If they are good they are good, no matter the skin color or gender. If they are bad , they are bad, gay or straight, a terrible person is still a terrible person.
And before I finish off this article I just want to say I do not like MGTOW aka Men Going Their Own Way. It’s not that I don’t see why men are checking out of society but rather because this movement seems too much focused against women. I consider myself an egalitarian and do not really associate with any kind of movement, therefore I won’t associate with the Feminist movement or the Man’s Rights Movement. I just want to see equality, I don’t need the extra fuss about it.
Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic
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