GamerGate Poem Response

They said gamers are dead,
Attacked us and lies were spread
Now we are all white and never right
They call us every name in the book
Our games they took
Without checking the facts
They thought they knew how we act
And only the sane can see
That GamerGate is not misogyny

I’ll let them be
Crazy as they wanted to be
But they started to ruin poetry
And that’s when I got angry

You scream misogyny yet you don’t know me
I am oppressed you say, you are queer, transgender, gay
You get harassed every day
But while you go home to a million dollar house
We get doxxed and lose ours
Because the place we lived in, you took it away labeling us a sin

Gamers are dead
Gamers are sexists
Gamers are not clean
This are some of the things you scream
You say you are not racist but you hate white men
You say you are not sexist but you want to kill all men
Because you are a girl you must be right
But I won’t go down without a fight

I have my own right, I have the right to disagree
With everything I see
I have the right to destroy you with logic and facts
Because those two things are not misogyny
They are the reality
The cruel reality that didn’t hit you in the face yet
Because you have a rich dad.

Gamers are done, Gamers are dead
They said
But they did not know, that gamers came back from the dead
They did not know, we have many lives
Because in this game of life, we leveled up our skills
While your dad paid your gender study degrees

Gamers are dead you said
Danced in the street while thinking that we were dead
Now we fight back and make you cry
Trigger warning in the end
Because your poetry made me fucking cry
I felt like I want to die
Poetry is not a speech, it’s not some random words you scream at the mike
You fucking dyke
It’s something that wakes up the feelings deep inside of us
And doesn’t make you look like an ass

Because you have a pussy you think you are better than me,
And that’s why I get to call it misandry.

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