A new film is out, a new show is out. No one is excited about it because the main character is a white cis male.
Good god that doesn’t exist, can you please smite those mentally killed people from tumblr.
They all scream diversity, diversity, starting from Rebecca Watson a main retard who had this idea that Doctor Who should be reincarnated as a female, even though the guy who created the show said “No F.. Way” (not in those words but you get the message). I posted below one of her videos, the one she talks about Doctor Who.
So Rebecca here is the prime example of an idiot online. She is a horrible feminist and a white girl who just doesn’t get it. The creator himself stated the reason why he doesn’t want Doctor Who to be male and also he gave a good explanation. Fans of the show know it, I am not a fan but I heard that because he is born on a certain planet he can only reincarnate as the gender he was born with. Seems a good reason for me, but not for Rebecca.
But well she is just saying her opinion, unlike the rest of her tumbleret army.
Those who try to change everything to fit their belief, who don’t understand what it means to write a story, make a movie or show, draw something. They do not understand that the artist created it that way because that’s how they see it. We are not the people who create the artist’s art, we are the ones who admire or hate it, we are the ones who see it but the artist is the one who creates it. The artist has no intention to offend anyone, unless that’s what his art is for, but the artist wants to show us something, opening the door to his mind for us. That’s why I think it is wrong to force some of your personal beliefs on the artist. Constructive criticism is welcome, but saying that the main character is horrible because he is a white man or because he/she is cis is just terrible.
Diversity for some has become equal with censorship. You don’t believe me?
Just look at how many pictures were taken down, how many artists and writers have been forced to change their writings/art just because someone was offended online.
DC Universe, Marvel, A lot of Games, Huge amount of books, shows and films were victims to the snowflakes from tumblr, twitter and reddit. I can’t call those idiots mentally ill because they are faking their illnesses, to gain some pity points to seem like a real victim. Those professional victims who get scared from clapping, triggered by words are the people who try to decide whats good and whats bad for you?
It’s scary how much influence they have, even though they are such cowards and idiots.
When I think of diversity, I think of people getting along with each other, regardless of their skin color, gender, sex preference and so on. I don’t go thinking “Oh too many white people/Too many Man in this gym/Too many black people here/Too many Asian people this Chinese restaurant, why aren’t there more black transgender people there?” , but that’s what those people think. In short by trying to get more diversity in certain fields we get more racism, sexism and hate. A lot of hate.
Remember this:
Anyone can be sexist. Men, Women, Trans…..
Anyone can be racist. White, Black, Asian, Indian….
After all we are all from the same race, humans. Why y’all have to separate people by their skin color is beyond me, racist feminazis and tumblerts!
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