The Writing Hut


Blaming others is a thing that most of us have did. I am sure of it I did it a lot of times and every time I regret it for doing it. What it does to us to ensure us that it’s not our fault that we didn’t do good at something but rather that someone did a better job than us and that makes us look bad and we should totally blame it on that person. What this create is a society that goes back in history to find the people to blame. Like Fredrick says we can’t blame something that had never affected our lives.  Its true racism exist and probably will be there for a longer time, not so strong though as 200 or 300 years ago. Thing is we are going to an more and more equal future. A future that looks better for everyone of us but we are going towards it with small steps.  And if you wonder why its simple, we just don’t work hard enough . Yes most of us are lazy and blame their failure on others. This isn’t about race or gender or sexual orientation this is about us as a hole, the whole human population . Just think about it for a second , when was the last time you didn’t blame someone for something just because he was better than you in something?
Why didn’t you just work harder and beat them next time you “competed”?

I had a case like this in my own family. Now my family is as diverse as it could be. I myself  am a citizen of two countries and even have a third nationality due to the region where I was born. I live in Serbia right, so one day my Aunt comes back with her new husband who is from Palestinian, at that time my English was ok to be able to communicate but I was to shy to speak with him. What I remembered though as we would sit and eat together , everyone complained about the state our country was in.  His conclusion to all this was the following :
“I’ve been here for a week and all that I have heard were complains about how bad they have it here and how poor the country is . But I have not yet seen one person go and work a bit harder to improve their situation. ”

You see the point in this? Do you see how blaming others isn’t the way to go?
You can blame your country, you can blame racism , you can blame every stone that you hit your foot on while walking but that will not change the fact that you have to get up and work for something . Things just don’t drop from the sky anymore, gods do not give you things just because you pray to them and others won’t reach out to grab your hand if you don’t try to reach to them.
What we all should learn is to work harder, to be more aware that people who have it good worked hard for their lifestyle. Some people struggle , they are barely alive but they keep working themselves to the bones just so their child can have a good education and that someday he or she might have it better than their parents.
Life is not fair , its horribly hard. It’s like a game without a restart button , a game in which we all start off in different areas with different perks, some have a good start but mess up the middle others have a bad start and get a good middle but what it all comes down is what you do with it. Remember living itself is sometimes a gift , making your life worth living is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself  so don’t limit yourself, don’t say you can’t do it because you are from a certain race, don’t say you can’t because you are of a specific gender, just try it you might fail at it at first but if you keep working hard I am sure you will manage to get to the point of your life where you will enjoy living.

Thank you for reading,
The Solkotovic


  1. actullay i think that we blam others on our faults maybe because we are affraid of Consequences
    i remember when i was young i broke something
    and as i was affraid of my dad
    i blamed my brother on it
    but i know this was a bad thing cause now if i saw my older son blaming his younger brother on something he didn’t do
    i know this is not a good thing and i should teach my children not to be affraid and be brave to face what they did

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