Life works in mysterious ways and no one was able to find out how it exactly works, but hey at least we can categories someones life in many ways. If I would try to fit my life in a category I would head directly to the romantic-comedy section. Its not that I hate my life or anything, in the contrary I enjoy myself here. In my room, safe from the outside things that could ruin my everything. Yes my everything. How can’t you understand that the outside world is scary. Well it used to be once, I mean it still is but things changed a bit recently. I have to explain it to you , because you never read anything on my online blog now did you?
I know you didn’t don’t lie to me its a waste of time and I do not enjoy wasting time on things that are not worth it.
My world is simple. I sleep, I eat, I run a bit and exercise and then I spend the day on the computer. It all started to fall apart because the opposite gender. Oh I am male by the way, not sure if I mentioned that before but you know it now. So yeah , girls. The enemy of logic and therefor the enemy of men or at least that’s what my grandfather used to say. He never said it in front of my grandmother because he would receive some serous wounds as result of his rude words. Wise man, never let the enemy know too much. Let me make this clear before I explain to you my world, I do not hate women its just that they are a bother. It might be, well I look kind of scary for some people, I am a lot taller then the average and with my bored almost criminal face expression . So this is why I cannot get a girlfriend easily.
So here we are, I am taking you back to the last year of my high school life which was indeed a different experience then the rest of my life. It was actually a tragedy, not a romantic comedy, but I will let you judge that for yourself.
I was pretty much an average student, I didn’t do good in anything except for sports and that was because of my height. Basketball was of course my thing, I enjoyed playing it as I could use my height for something other than scaring people around me. I remember once that even a gang got scared off me , I didn’t even do anything besides looking at their direction. Anyhow I did not have a lot of friends , actually you could say that I had no real friends at all. It didn’t bother me at all, I didn’t feel lonely or anything, I was just fine . No one bothered me and I didn’t bother anyone….well there was a certain someone that bothered me. Our homeroom teacher. I don’t know what she had against me but I just couldn’t satisfy her. It might be because she was almost 30 and not married, I bet it was that.It all started from the first year and I was hopping that she would marry or something and take a leave so that a new homeroom teacher would take her place and I would evade my torment. But no, I was harassed and teased on a daily basis, I even considered reporting her to the school officials but then again I felt sorry for her as she was still single.
Not that I was in a better situation or anything, but she was a lot older then me.
So yeah I was now in the last year, I was a senior and people should’ve looked up to me but life isn’t like in those teen shows. I was just a scary guy who everyone avoided, thus I started ignoring everyone. I was sleeping a lot during class, Warcraft III was keeping me busy all night long. Those damned night elves and their trees things that always killed my poor undead. Thanks to that I had many rude awakenings by Mikurin-sensei. As said she harassed me any chance she got. I clearly remember that she had woken me up by burying her nails in my neck. It hurt like hell but what was I supposed to do. Of course all those monkeys in my class went wild and laughed their gray hearts out.
But it didn’t stop there , I had to write what I plan to do with my life in the future. It would be easy for me to sum it up if it wasn’t for the one page minimum which ruined my plan for the one sentence answer.
Even worse I had to finish it during the launch break. I think I never wrote faster in my life. The paper was filled with my soul and the ideas from my head. I didn’t know what I would do in the future I mean who knows it exactly ?
I wrote down writer or artist, I explained for each of them why I would want to work there , but because they were so similar I wrote the same thing twice just changed writer to artist and it was done. I put my money that she wouldn’t read it at all…. Putting that aside I finished it 5 minutes before the break ended. I rushed to the teachers office so I can give her my soul on a piece of paper. As I knocked on the door of the teachers office feeling very proud of myself thinking that I could even manage to eat some launch I didn’t even notice that I was actually knocking on someones forehead. It was a shock for me as well for the girl that was standing in front of the door when I pulled my hand back and tried to knock harder as I didn’t hear the sound when I knocked.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SQUID-BOY?” she shouted at me. As I looked down I noticed a short haired girl with her fist cliched and a huge vain pulsating above her brow. My face turned blue as I just noticed what I did. I almost knocked out a girl, I could understand why she was mad. Oh and Squid-boy was not such a uncommon nickname for me as I, in addition to everything else that was attached to me, had long arms and legs , thus making me look like a squid I guess. But that was just the opinion of the narrow minded bun-heads that were going to the same school as me.
“HOW MUCH LONGER ARE YOU GOING TO BLOCK MY PATH ? Are you really picking a fight with me you little bastard ? Don’t make me break your bones and just move aside.” she screamed at me but I was impressed with the huge vain that appeared on her forehead. I wondered at that moment if I should try my luck and see if I could make her angry , so angry that the vain would pop. Of course at that time I did not know the basic biology functions of a human being, besides the things that I learned from Tv and games which wasn’t really helpful.
In my attempt to make her angrier I just grabbed her and moved her back inside the office. She turned red and was looking at me like a wolf would look at his pray who just ran in front of him. I didn’t say another world just passed by her like I didn’t even noticed her. Mikarin-sensei put her hand on her face, which is a common move she does when she sees me. It became a bad habit I think. As I pulled out the paper and walked towards the teacher to give her my essay I felt a push from behind me. The short haired girl pushed me from behind , I know I looked back. And that was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in the infirmary. Waking up my vision was a bit blurry and my head hurt like hell. I didn’t really know what I hit but whatever it was it broke me. And I told myself that morning that I shouldn’t go to school because something bad would happen, even my horoscope was telling me not to go on a long trip. School is 15 minutes away and for a gamer like myself it is a freaking long way.
“It’s like the first of the silver hand hit me with all its holy power.” I mumbeled to myself. It was actually the first time in a longer while that I found something interesting in a person of the opposite gender and it was also the first time that a girl was not scared of me. But damn if I ever see her again I would throw her out of the window for hurting me this bad. As I checked my head and felt a bandage I heard a familiar voice.
“Did you wake up idiotic Squid-boy?” a familiar voice asked.
“I do not see very well yet but I am sure that my name isn’t Squid-boy, nor it ever was.”
“You are still a idiot, how dare you touch me without my permission , even worse, how dare you embarrasse in front of the teachers. Since you are waking up its fine , I will take my leave now. Let that be a lesson to you from now on to never mess with me again.” she said, that’s when I started to notice that it was the short haired girl who was talking to me. My vision was blurry and my head was about to explode so I couldn’t see clearly or hear good enough to know where exactly she was .
“You little elf are lucky that I didn’t throw you out of the window. I wonder how you aren’t scared of me at all, but I won’t bother with that as I am going to throw you little…” I didn’t even manage to finish my sentence and I saw black again. I still heard things like :
Don’t hit him again, please stop Haneka, you will kill him.
I wanted that girl as far away as possible from me. And it was all senseis fault for making me write that stupid essay. I am going to report her for harassment as soon as I wake up. As soon as I wake up, would be the next day, which of course I spent at home. After all I was hurt. My head hurt even worse that day. Her face constantly popped up in my head and it would make me almost shout in pain. I couldn’t wait to go to school tomorrow to get her back for what she did to me.
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