The Writing Hut

Wow. Talk about fighting against racism by segregating people based on their skin color. I am actually not much in shock about the hosts posts on twitter and facebook, I mean I read some wild stuff the past few weeks but this may be in the top.

This is why I agree with the late George CarlinĀ  who said that chickens are better humans than humans.
Believe it or not, chicken are less racist than miss Bahar Mustafa:

She is a treat isn’t she, our little hero who fights racism. But see you got it all wrong. She doesn’t actually fight it in the first phase of her plan. First of all racism needs to be created. An enviroment in which racism is dominant, so of course she could fight it.

What I got from her ideas is that she has a plan, which goes like this:

A) Segregate Whites and males

B) Create an army of brainwashed feminists and other strange people who all share the same idea that white people are racist and evil no matter what.

C) Kill the white people in the name of Big Red.

D)Free earth from patriarchy.


Well guess what, girl you should not attend your own freaking event

That’s Mustafa. Tell me she is not white, I dare you to tell me she is not white. She is at least 4 shades whiter than me. AT FREAKING LEAST 4 SHADES. If she was any whiter she’d be promoting the patriarchy.

What makes it even funnier ( off the record I hope that you get in Sargon of Akkads “This Week in Stupid” so you can add that to your awards) , this girl helped organize a BME People social before the screening of “Dear White People”. Oh god another white guilt movie #FeministArt #NotActuallyMenstruatingEverywhereArt.

How dare you say no white people when you are white. You may have Arabic genes, may come from such a family or are a Muslim, but your skin color is white. Deal with it.

This is another example of feminism creating more problems there were to beguine with. I mean how can you be so racist. It’s not reverse racism, it is racism, dumb feminist, tumblerets, SJWs and other mentally left behind snowflakes.

I really can’t deal with so much ignorance in one week. First y’all ridicule rape, now racism whats next?
Maybe video games make you sexist, oh you can’t do that anymore but you know what lets do something about that wage gap. Because when feminism is at it’s low they scream “Wage Gap, Hurr Durr, Muh Oppression Stap”.

And after such idiotic actions you ask me “Why aren’t you a feminist?”. Because of people like this, people who are racist but believe they are fighting racism, people who are sexist yet cry that other people rape them and so on. The list is just huge. There are probably 20 reasons I can name from the top of my head when I didn’t sleep for 3 days, went to sleep and woken up 1h after I slept. Even when I am wasted I would still be able to name at least 11.

Ah I am done with this. People enjoy your life, because times are going to get only harder for everyone, especially in the developed countries. Freedom will never be the same.

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