The Writing Hut

A joke that turned into reality. Something that started as a joke turned into something more than a simple hashtag. A user apparently faked Brianna Wu’s twits making it look like she was sent some messages with the hashtag #PizzaGate. The edited message was by the user KachoArinoDesu:


Of course it was fake and of course dumb people thought that it is real. Let’s take for an example the idiots from Mirror. Now those fools wrote two freaking articles about PizzaGate. One explaining how it is some kind of fake joke but with a terrible secret meaning. It is actually (as Mirror claims) an  excuses for people to harass women. Common Mirror, do you think that everything is about women, PizzaGate is so totally related to women isn’t it?

The second article was about the true PizzaGate, that didn’t really trend at that time. A pizza slice that hit the legendary Sir Alex Ferguson in the face and slid down onto his black suit before his 49-game winning streak was broken. Which of course is known through Brittany and most of Europe because we love our football(soccer).

But on the other part of the world, the joke hashtag got even more popular when MudaneMatt posted a twit about his point of view about pineapples as pizza toppings. Even as a joke hashtag, PizzaGate was trending, thanks to the community and the SJW’s who really didn’t get the joke. It was right there next to the Super Bowl hashtag crating a big fuss. Everyone wondered what it is and some people started to add their own definitions to it which caused more harm for them than for GamerGate. After all PizzaGet was up there with Super Bowl on the day of Super Bowl which is pretty crazy.
The SJWs, White Knights and others who seek to change society so that they don’t feel bad for being a useless member of it, started to define PizzaGate as an attack at women. I can’t really see the connection nor am I able to think how they could possibly connect Pizza to harassment. Indeed it makes you fat but it is too good to pass on. Anyhow it’s not so uncommon for them to misunderstand the meaning of the word satire, like Sue Park proved.
But thanks to those people we have things to laugh at like:

Pizzatriarchy ,Its about the ethics in Pizza journalism, etc.

Edit: I wrongly accused MundaneMatt for creating the hashtag and would like to apologize for the inconvenience and thank him for correcting me.

If you want to know more about it check out :

Or MundaneMatt’s video about it :

Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic


  1. I did not start Pizzagate.

    When I asked about where it began, people started sending me a tweet I made almost 2 years ago, and I “assumed” (like a dumbass) that it was because of that. I was wrong.

    1. I have edited the post, sorry for the confusion and thank you for correcting me. While watching your video I got the intro wrong and that’s why I added you as the creator of it.
      Sorry again 🙂

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