The Downfall of Reddit

After the last place we called a home for free speech was destroyed, we had only a few options left. Now even fewer with the change of rules that were announced on Reddit. Mainly the whole site will fall into the claws of Ellen Pao and her Social Justice Warriors army, removing one after another, the subreddits that they find offensive or don’t fit their agenda.

The gas chambers are ready and the subreddits lined up. Those who have the mark on their arm will be send to the chambers and even those who don’t have it might end up there. Our dictator Frau Pao will wield her mighty restriction hammer and crush down everyone who opposes her will.
Dark days are before us friends, this might be the end of subreddits in which we found like minded individuals who became our friends in the end. It really is disturbing with what force the Radical Feminist, Tumblr Feminist and Social Justice Warriors are taking over the internet.
A movement that was about ethics in games journalism (GamerGate) was dragged down through all the mud and dirt, with all those tweets and all those lies, until the truth was so twisted that people actually started to believe that the movement was anti-women in gaming, racist, sexist and what not.
The man who was part of an amazing team that landed a spacecraft on a comet was ridiculed because of the shirt he was wearing, just because it had women on it and guns.
People were getting doxxed and swatted just because they had the audacity to think and even worse disagree with the popular opinions in the rad. feminist ideology.
They scream that they are the victims and that they are oppressed but try and say something against their religion and see how many seconds you will have to run and hide from their screams and their “peaceful debates”. They do not know how to lose, immune to logic. If they by any chance are proven so wrong that they can’t dig themselves out of it, they will find a way to turn themselves into victims, to blame others that their theories are not working.

Scum of the earth, people who were papered since they were born, they were thought that their beliefs are the true ones and that only they can see how our society should be. They live in houses out of gold and yet they have the audacity to tell you that you have more privileges than they do just because of your skin color or your gender, they dare tell you, the person who disagreed with them, that you can’t see it because you are too privileged, commenting your opinion from a house that is in the state of decay, from the depths of your soul that society might have or haven’t cut into pieces.

How dare they talk about privileges when they are the most privileged people. The pure madness in them to think that they are the only ones who know what’s best for all of us.
Oh excuse me, I did not notice that someone made you all Queens of the Earth.
To quote Denis mom from “Monty Pythons Search for the Holy Grail” :

In due time we will all learn that political correctness is the downfall of free speech, it might be to late then…but we would’ve learned our lesson.

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