Suey Park is another one of those special snow flakes that thinks of herself as the chosen one to fight against racism. I do not condemn her goal on fighting against racism but I do condemn her ways of doing it. She started out as a simple creator of a hastag on twitter, #CancelColbert. For those of you who don’t know The Colbert Report, it’s a talk show lead by Stephen Colbert, a very smart and funny individual who uses sarcasm and satire to make his point on some issues in the world. The #CancelColbert hastag was created after Stephen Colbert used this :
Now he was using satire to make fun and put light on the creation of The Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation by the Redskins owner Daniel Snyder. The name it self is racist and offensive to native American and Colbert as a comedian took the chance , created a joke that showed the problem within the owner of the Redskins. It shows the he pretends to be the owner of the Redskins and shows how terrible the choice of the name was. But it seems to me that you missed the shows point.
Suey Park is one of those hastag activist that gets mad at almost anything, I mean a joke could make her so mad that she wanted to cancel the whole show.
Now lets get back to why she herself is racist. After she gained some fame thanks to the hastag she was invited on Huffington Post Live with Josh Zepp. The interview was going well, she did turn the discussion from native Americans to racism against Asian people. Josh tried to defend Colbert that he was using satire to create a joke that would raise awareness on the racial behavior of the Redskin owner. After that Suey made a bold statement to the interviewer:
“as a white man, I don’t expect you to be able to understand what people of color are actually saying.” She said white men feel “entitled to talk over me.”
Josh said he’s not minimizing her or her opinion, and also added “it’s just a stupid opinion.”
Then Suey Park called him “offensive and patronizing” she said that she doesn’t need to explain to him why he was offensive and patronizing, and as Josh asked her to explain herself, she just said that she already told him that she doesn’t need to. Which lead to Josh ending her interview and a rage filled Suey Park went straight to twitter complaining :
HuffPo Live just had me on, host called my opinions stupid, then got upset I told him white men couldn’t have an opinion. They muted me.
— Suey Park (@suey_park) March 28, 2014
Dear @HuffPostLive–if you thought I would sit pretty as your host dismissed my thoughts and called me stupid, you have another thing coming
— Suey Park (@suey_park) March 28, 2014
To which Josh replied:
Ahh, the righteousness of professional umbrage-takers. @suey_park wasn’t muted or silenced. I invited her to explain herself & she declined.
.@joshzepps Talking down to a guest, telling a Person of Color their opinion is “stupid” & not acknowledging your white privilege. Good job.
Pretending that a silly idea isn’t silly because of the race of the person holding it is condescending and racist, @FatBodyPolitics
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