Shadow in the Soul

Creeping closely, always behind me
Like a black cat in a black night
It frightens the hero inside
With each step I take it takes two
And soon it will be in front of me
Soon I won’t see none of you
With all my might I tried to run away
But it came closer to me each passing day
From the time I was born
I was constantly held the bull by the horn
And the time I let go
It started to follow

Now it’s all clear to me
Now I can finally see what was chasing me
Can you tell?
Does it ring the bell?
I don’t care what you think of me
I don’t care how all of you see me
My ideas, they fit me
My thoughts, they are what they are supposed to be
And all of this won’t be true, if I was afraid of all of you
The fact that I show that I care
Is just a mask I put for you, otherwise I would be a scare

You don’t think it’s true?
Well congrats, I don’t give a fuck about you too
What do you think will I do?
With the constant shadow above me
The steps they never stop
Yet I trip and fall every time I think I managed to escape
What will it take, what will it take for me to go away
Or for me to stay
Why must I be in this status quo of yours
I don’t like it
I don’t like it
I don’t like it at all
What’s wrong with me, why am I still fucking with you all?

Clearly I can’t see, I am blind
I am just filled with hypocrisy about myself and about the world
I don’t believe in one word they tell me yet here I am doing what they said
Is it good, is it bad?
Am I happy am I sad?
How can I feel alive when I never felt how it is to be dead?
Why is it still coming after me, can’t it see that I want to get away
I want to be
I don’t need to know, yet I want to see
The horrible thing that’s chasing me
The thing I can see in my dreams

Steps, steps, steps
Why are they so loud?
Can’t you hear them too?
So there is nothing wrong with you?
Nothing at all?
Oh so you do know how it is to feel alive
You do know what it feels like to be happy
Well tell me to
I don’t mind knowing the secret from you
While you at it, take this thing away from me will you?
Because I am not sure what I am supposed to do

Should I kill, should I die , should I stay, should I fly away
Wait I can’t do that, but you know what I can do
I can create art
I can talk in poetry, that will surely free me
Then I can ask the world for a humble feeling to spare for the emotionless beggar
What world wouldn’t care for one person like me
What cruel world wouldn’t spare a feeling for a lost soul in despair

Oh that’s right, this world
This world is what we, what you created
I had no place in it’s creation, if I did you wouldn’t be so cruel
World, world why are you made so ?
What did those corrupted souls did to you?
Is money all that counts, is your own good better than the good of all?
Didn’t your holy book preach for centuries what everyone knew, yet what do you do?

Merciful and Just God in the sky
Go eat some shit and die
You and your all seeing eye
That doesn’t see the suffering of humanity
Suffering spread across flora and fauna
Spread across all of the universe
Everywhere when your eye can reach and see
What are you doing?
Watching idle from your high and mighty throne
Making me thing why I was even born?
No wonder I don’t believe in you
But why are so many that do
“He is just, you just pray”
Yet they pray, they  want to pray the gay away
Why is God a he?
How do we know it’s a human like thing?
Because a lost shepherd said so a long long time a go
Written in that holy book, who was written by some wanna be holy men

Everything you said made me mad
Everything we assume you said, because the book was in some creative morons head
What ever will we do, when you come down
We will do the same as with your son
As you can see we are a bit sadistic your Holiness
When you created us you were are a real ass
Since how would you, create a being like you
That is so evil inside and so filled with pride
Filled with guilt and the need for blood
Yet we are good inside, because that’s what the book told
Because there was a guy, we made him die
He was sacrificed for our sins
So we can be free from all the evil
Well that’s freaking brilliant if you ask me
What does it all come down to?
Nothing, there is nothing we can do
The steps will go ahead
And when they do, we will be all dead.

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