Generations End

Just at this age where you don’t know what to do
Yet you want to
You want to show that our generation is not as worthless as they say
And then you spit on the next one for not being as good as yours
Seeing the world through different eyes, you lie to yourself
The average bunch, you are in it
Trying to make it out of it but you never will
But it’s not your fault, it’s the fault of society

The ones that watched you grow are looking at you again
But now they can only see you standing still, not knowing that you are dieing within
All those stares make it worse
No one actually cares, no one really does

Love comes, love goes
Facebook likes and Twitter followers are the things that really matter now
Showing off your car that you take for a ride once a weak
Gas ain’t cheap, but the girls are

Can you remember when it was the last time you saw someone just take a guitar and play?
And here we go again with, “back in my day”
Don’t you think it’s enough?
Let’s just laugh

Laugh it off and make a post about it how society can kiss your behind
But then cry yourself to sleep

The greatest minds of Ginsbergs generation were lost to madness
Mine to laziness
To the comfort of the average working life
Watching motivational videos till their brains are so motivated that the body can’t move
Listening to smart people talk about their lucky achievements  in life, how they made it
How we can make it just by listening to their tips

Who are we kidding, we don’t even understand half of the things that pass by us
How could they even consider us to be capable of changing this world
There was something  a wise man told,
It was about trees and getting old
But who listened, who was bold enough?

When gray man comes, he comes for you
Takes you away and locks you in the box
Now try thinking out of it
See if they like it

All the friends I see are gray dots
Gray as me
And they tell me, ” we can make it, we will be what we want to be”
Here I am, nothing at twenty three
Are you freaking kidding me?

Those of us who survived, those of us who managed not to cry
Stay strong, we will soon all die
It was such a long life
And I constantly ask people when it will end

But the problem with my generation is that we don’t understand
We don’t understand the power that lays in our hand
Gods in our own minds, failures in our parents and nothing in our grandparents eyes
Hell why should we even care?

We love to tell people what and how to do it, but we hate to work ourselves
Filled with pride and corrupted by the information flow
Money, money, money and more money
That’s what makes a person good
It’s the same thing that makes a person happy, big, small, beautiful, famous, interesting, artistic, creative
Everything he wants to be, she is, it is, pronouns, pronouns, pronouns

Do you remember sticks and stones?
Guess what, they can’t break bones anymore, but the words the words can offend us so much more
The slogan of my generation started to be  “I am offended, obey me”
It’s the sad truth about our idioticy, about our legacy

I hate this long day, I can’t stand the light it’s always in the way
Can’t even remember the last good thing about you
You the one who needs the prayer the most
Ha, I am so lost
All I can do is tell you all about the things I didn’t get to do
Because of me, yes because of me and you
First of all that offended me, so I need to get crying and get money for it
Now that’s all you need to be, born lucky
Forget hard work and dedication
Forget those long hours you practiced your skills while others went drinking
And you know they were drinking because they noticed it early
Life is hard
Harder than some can take
That’s why, that’s why they break
But those of us who stood tall, what do we get for being the perfection in an inperefect world?
Broken bones and teeth replaced by stones

Mice chewing on our brains as they laugh
They laugh at the ones who like to read, who like to discuss important things
And yet they don’t laugh at the one that is called “me” when they look in the mirror

Where is the bigger picture in this?
Can we find that better place?
Why is family the only thing that we got and even with it why do you want to jump off it?

Darkness, darkness my old friend
Why don’t you come and take me again
Remember the last time I was about to die
You didn’t want to take me whole
Left only a present for me

The scar, it still reminds me
It will never go away
That’s why I stopped to pray
No god, god today, I don’t care ether way

I don’t care
I don’t care
I don’t care
I don’t care

Make it the end, make it what you want to make it into
But don’t bother me, because I don’t want to exist
I don’t want to be

Die, die already you fool
Don’t be just a tool
Now you will be with me for the last fight

The last fight, the day that never ends
Heh, you will not see the difference
Emotionless, careless, lifeless

That’s my future written in stone
I am the one
The one that will break everything before breaking himself

What a long day, my death should be it’s perfect end
It is too bad that my generation won’t find the happy end.



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