Fellharion Worrick, showed a talent for adapting quick to any given situation that was thrown at him since a young age. The young scholar was born with a rather fascinating mind, yet one could say he was born without a tongue due to his lack of interaction between him and children of his age. A quite individual who stands out in the crowd due to his height and his bronze like skin.
Born in Egypt he spent most of his life there reading and writing in the great schools and libraries in Alexandria. Not being of noble descent got him a lot of times in trouble with the scholars and with the other students or prominent figures who were in those establishments.
As usual the rich didn’t have any sympathy for the poor who were eager to educate themselves, nor did Worricks parents.
Even though after some time people got used to his stubbornness for learning, Worrick was not able to escape the trouble that was following him. Being smart usually does not help with bad luck.
Worrick had little interest in doing anything else but learning things. He is the youngest surviving child of the family out of eleven. With the poverty and war that ravaged Egypt it was a miracle he survived, compared to the seven brothers and sisters that lost their lives due to poisoned water, being killed or just starving to death in a desperate try to provide for the family.
Now as an adult, he is escorted to the Fey Island, known as a prison, yet in there are a lot of rumors of the Island being inhabited by weird things and that in earlier times people would go there on an epic quest to defeat a powerful enemy, but nowadays it is just a mere last stop for criminals.
After angering a student of noble descent he was attacked by his bodyguards. The fight ended by Worrick slipping in a puddle of piss from the pet dog of the noble, his knife slipping out of his hand and piercing the nobles neck. Beaten and wounded he was dragged to prison. He was then deported to get judged in a court for extreme criminals, where he and a bunch of other people, dressed in the same cloths and judged the same.
“Off with you to Fey Island.” – said the judge condemning the poor individuals to a journey at sea that would end with them being dropped off at the island and left there on their own.
Before the ship that was assumed to take them to the island, they encountered with Captain Morios who accepted each of their questions about their glorious journey to repent their sins. The Captain told them that they will be provided with good meals and a ration of food and supplies before leaving his ship, as well as they will be provided with a boat and the training of how to use it in the following month that they will spend on the ship.
After getting on the ship, each individual got a nice but plain room. Worrick used his time on the ship to read a few books from Captain Morios personal collection and sometimes he would watch Yu, a fellow prisoner, repair things on the ship. Yu was rather friendly and helped Worrick learn a bit of smiting on this journey.
Another occupation of Worricks was talking to the chef of the ship and getting from her a few recipes which he wrote down for the future. The meals were rather delicious, thus he was very interested in how every meal was made.
After a month of practice and traveling the ship reached it’s destination and loaded their stuff on the boat. Armed with a spear and a wooden shield, and protected with a leather armor set Worrick set sail with the help of Hans Thorben, who was as almost as skilled as Worrick in the art of sailing.
During his time in Egypt, Worrick loved to use his father’s fishing boat to explore the Nile, thus making him a rather skilled sailor.
As they entered through the barrier a chill feeling went through each member. It was a strange place they reached, the sun was in a different place and shined a rather different color. All of the members wondered what kind of journey awaited them.
The crew knew they were going in the right direction, they felt like they were following their intuition. As a few hours passed while they were heading north, they got surrounded by two flying fishes.
Knowledgeable in nature and species, Hans was able to provide the party with the information about those flying fish called Electrelas. The Erectrelas were flying fish that would hurl electroshocks at their enemies, known for eating large birds or sheep and even ripping parts of humans with their gigantic mouths that would split their body almost in half when open.
As assumed the fishes were hostile and would try to attack the boat.
Thinking fast, Worrick decided to try and escape with by increasing the ships speed, but even with Hans help they couldn’t run away from the Electrelas. Noticing that both Worrick and Seigh, another person condemned to the journey, tried to attack the Electrelas. While Worrick was hit hard, Seigh was protected by Raziel, another fellow, who shielded Seigh.
Encouraged by their actions Colm Mangan, with similar equipment as Worrick, tried to attack the fish on Worricks side to protect him and distract the fish from Worrick who was a bit shocked. But as he attacked, he slipped and pierced Worrick with his spear, missing the fish by a mile which countered this hostile act with a shock, making Worrick black out.
When those attacks failed, Adam, the strangest member of this party, charged the fish wielding a fork, managing to do damage to the fish only to be thrown back to the dock and starting to hide in a corner of the boat due to his fear of deep water.
After that the rest of the party joined in and managed to kill the first fish on Worricks side while he lied down with the feet of Colm on his unconscious body.
In the end Colm managed to land a kill blow on the fish while the other was taken down by a combined effort of the party, Seigh landing the killing blow on the second fish.
The party, without their most skilled sailor Worricks, manages to dock on the island and ends up in a ruined town where they find an inn in which they help Worrick get back up on his feet. In the inn they discover a note and a map. Based on the note and map, the normal laws of nature don’t apply in this region, they can see floating desserts and strange looking rivers. Noticing that Hans starts drinking some of the booze he had with him from the start of the journey. After it the party finds a sable in the inn with decent horses in it, alongside with a note to take the horses to Soccersfairy. It would take a week to get there, but they had no other choice since the town was useless. Their rations would last enough for more than a week and they had managed to reach the mentioned city in that time.
In the city they meet the Guard Captain Ostra, who takes the horses and forwards them to the Kings Inn, where they would be received with a free drink and with more information about their journey. In the inn they are welcomed by the Misfits, the staff members of the inn that were made out of some strange characters.
The first one would be the quiet patron by the name of Parse, she was a gnome with a mysterious aura around her and some strange looking eyes. She was the leader of the Band of Misfits, not a talkative person. After her they meet Tadpole, a Halfling who can speak to nature spirits and is a curious and free spirited. At her side is always a frog by the name of Hoppy that lives in the river nearby. Karth’ka, the third person they meet was the tallest of them all, at 8’6’’ the half demon was a rather laud and intimidating person, yet after she spoke she seemed very kind and showed that she was rather a chatty person. Her love of alcohol and challenges of strength was beyond everyone else, she is seen always carrying a large soup bowl out of which she drinks alcohol. Compered to her the last person the party meets, Mimi, is almost invisible. Standing at 5 inches, Mimi is the last princess of the inchlings, a race that had long been believed to be dead. She always carries two ancient artifacts of her people, a sewing needle and miniature hammer. The only information about those was when she used the sewing needle to repair the skin of the dead electric fish that the party carried around from their travels at the see. Other than that, everything is a mystery.
Worrick, as introduced to the staff, made the mistake of falling in love with the giant half demon Karth’ka. Something just made this 2 feet taller girl than him look like a gentle princess in his eyes. The quiet and reserved guy suddenly turned into attack mod and tried to court her but failed to get more than a chit chat out of her.
When that failed, Worrick decided to show her his strength in the hopes he could win her over. He challenged her to an arm wrestling with her and was blown away by her pure strength, getting unconscious again.
Tatpole laughed it off, while Luth and Adam tried to win against the Karth’ka in an arm wrestle, to avenge their new friend and help him in his love conquest, but the results were the same as Worricsk but less damaging to them than it was to Worrick.
The drinking proceeded, Hans was getting as drunk as possible to cope with the situation that they were, while Totepole and Adam draw on Worricks face with some red berries.
Luth was at that moment yet not ready to accept a defeat so he challenged Karth’ka to another challenge, to frighten someone.
This challenge got Luth into a lot of trouble as he was trying to scare a customer in the Inn by telling them he will do bodily harm to them, while Karth’ka smashed a table and scared four people at once.
While still in the Inn the party, or well Luth, Adam and Worrick were asked to leave politely. Luth and Adam said they were sorry and that they wouldn’t cause anymore trouble in the inn and seated at the table taking unconscious Worrick with them and nicknaming him “The Sleeping Beauty” .
They enjoyed their drinks and discussed what they should do next and how would they turn their situation into something better.
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