Sven plus two add another two and we got me
No one knew what eleven meant to me and you
When you went away, I lost the person I saw everyday
That’s the first two
When the seven hit me, I could hear you everyday
Work hard we said, one day we will be great
And the next were taken away with you
Now I am the proud last man
Seven family forgave me
The nine family saved me
And the eleven killed me
I remember everyone everyday
And that’s why with the eleven I’ll stay
Because your candle burned out to fast
I will make mine last
Dreams that didn’t come true for you, I will make for your brothers and sister
For your families
For the next generations
We’ve been through so much shit
And I am still dealing with the reality of it
Couldn’t you stay for some more time
The longest year was the one when I couldn’t see or hear
I’ve come a long way from where we began
But why can’t I see you again
Why can’t I hear you mispronounce my name
Remember how much we laugh, those were the days
Our hard work always pays
That’s what they used to say
When the days were short
And I wasn’t at the end
I will pissed, mad as hell
When I see you again I will yell
You left me here to be
Why didn’t you want to take me
Why didn’t you stay with me
Where is my family now, are they watching over me
Every road I take I take it for all of us
Because I stay true
To the stuff we used to do
And till this day I remember all of you.
This is a poem dedicated to the ones who lost their lives too early, the ones who stood by me when I had the freaking worst time of my life, the people who were my pillars of support. It’s an ode to you who were the most amazing people I ever know, to the one and only 11 Family.
Your dedication, your hard work and your way of life created what I can now proudly call me and for that I am eternally grateful to you Feeder of the wolfs the guy who can fix anything, to you Miss Thought Killer and to you General Chill.
7|2|2 always stay true, work hard and be you.
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