Dare to rain

Do you not care, do you not see ?
Do you breath the name of your savior in your hour of need?
Do you taste the blame, does the flavor remind you of your sin?

Can you stop the fire from within ?
What if I am the rain?
What if I am your savior?
Will you feed the rain?

The world starts to rust
I think my heart is about to bust
Its all a game , avoiding failure
All in the name of the great savior
And all those things we don’t need

I am lost, I hope to never fall
But that wouldn’t be the end to it all
I want to feed the rain
Let it pour
Because without I am not alive
Without it its just rust from the inside

The savior looks down on us
She smiles and doesn’t let the rain come and wash our sins away
But this time I won’t need the savior
I will feed the rain, I am thirsty for love and I will dance
I will dance under the sunny skies until someone cries


  1. cari104 Avatar

    I think this would make great lyrics for a song. Do you play anything or sing? I love the last line.

    1. The Solkotovic Avatar
      The Solkotovic

      I am terrible at singing but if I find someone with a nice voice I might make them sing it for me and record it 😀

  2. cari104 Avatar

    Sounds like a great idea!

  3. Dearly Sweet (@DearSweetAru) Avatar
    Dearly Sweet (@DearSweetAru)

    Interesting take on feminizing the savior. I assume that’s the reference you’re going for.

    1. The Solkotovic Avatar
      The Solkotovic

      Yes, indeed the all mighty savior is a she 🙂

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