If yo watch the video you will see an amazing theory by Slavoj Zizek. I personally share his beliefs about fighting racism with progressive racism, telling racist jokes about yourself and opening up to strangers creating a good atmosphere.
In our modern era people start to close themselves in, they are fearful of being racist or sexist. They fear to be labeled as such just because of a joke. It seems to me that our society is moving toward closed in people, interacting becomes a pain. Proof to that are boards online like 4chan, 8chan and reddit, where people seek freedom, the freedom to speak whatever they want without being called a racist or sexist. The internet might become one day the last free
place to speak out your mind without any prejudices.
Political correctness, something that starts to take over our lives. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy blogger but that’s how it is. Feminist shouting “Rape” and “Oppression” every chance they get, white people telling other white people that they should put other races above them, claiming that reverse racism doesn’t exist, black people using slavery as the main reason for not making it in life, Social Justice Warriors ruining peoples lives just because those people didn’t agree with them.
Slowly, yet clearly a line is drawn. A line that if you cross it you will fall inside a pit, but the bad part about is that you don’t cross the line willingly. You are pushed from all sides until you finally fall down the pit.
This is why we need to open up more. Not everyone telling racist jokes is racist, the same thing goes for sexist and other offensive jokes.
As Slavoj said, a prime example of this are the ex-Yugoslavian people. It’s a good way of opening up, telling jokes about your nationality making other people laugh and open up to you.
Conversations are chopped down to the basics.
No jokes. No stories. No opinions.
For now it’s still at the lowest point, but even now, at it’s lowest point people lose jobs, are threatened, doxxed, swatted and some are forced to move just because they state an opinion.
I am not saying we need to be more racist or sexist, we don’t need to start to offend people, we just need to be more open, more accepting. It’s a great trait to laugh at yourself and people start to slowly lose this trait.
Just think about it, how more comfortable are you with a person who can laugh at him/herself, how much easier is it to talk to such a person compared to talking with a person that gets mad at specific things for no reason. The first person will make you open up while the second will make you close yourself in.
As human beings, we seek to socialize therefore we try to gather people around us, people that will support us. This makes us feel safe. But at times that need to belong forces us to change, change in a bad way. We close our mind and start acting like the rest, not wanting to offend people and lose them. It’s a scary word out there and it is hard to be the lone wolf, thus we become narrow-minded and just fit in. We lose our uniqueness, the thing that makes us special.
Opening up a bit, accepting people without labeling them might be a step to creating a society in which we wouldn’t fear to share our opinion. With this, one day, we might even lose all those stereotype first impressions in our minds, and that very day our society would flourish.
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