The Writing Hut

Tumblr is becoming more and more overcrowded with people that I think should seek some professional help. To be clear I do not mind how you identify yourself as long as you respect my identification. But this is the thing, most people dont accept the so called “normal” identification, I mean how can I accept that I am male and that.
So what happens is the same thing as in feminism, we have the good and the bad people , and the bad people create the first impression stereotype. For example thanks to the feminazis , most of the people start to lose it when someone says that he/she/it is a feminism, it just gives you the impression that you will be judged if you are a male and you dont even know this person yet but due to human nature , due to the things you heard you created this impression in your head thanks to the Big Red(Chanty Binx) and others alike that are creating the bad image of feminism. Thats how it works for Tumblr Pronouns, I may call you she yet you refer yourself e/em/eir/emself and if you just get offended without even explaining to me what I did wrong how should I act towards you?
Being a bad human being doesnt have anything to do with your gender or your sexual orientation, and thats why if someone calls you the wrong pronoun dont start attacking him or her, calling them cis , telling them about their privileges, just smile and explain that it was wrong and explain your gender and what you prefer to be called. Its not that hard to keep calm and explain something and correct something rather than making it worse .  Due to the things other people did the Pronouns started to become the center of jokes, because of instead of explaining they shout and write thousand words posts about how they felt offended because they were called male or female, are you for real ?
Are you going to tell me that its better to blog about it than to just simply explain the person who called you wrongly  than you are insane. I am not judging you based on your gender I am judging you based on your way of thinking, and thats probably something that you just cant understand because you dont have enough brain to be able to understand it.
Thats why people laugh at you and hate you , not because of your gender, not of your sexual identity but because of your way of thinking and considering that everyone around you is a idiot and that its rather more profitable to complain on tumblr than explain the things that need explained to the people around you.
Sometimes you really need to explain things, I mean here is a list of pronouns , and I am not sure why there is a animal page there, I mean explain to me how you can identify yourself as a mew ? I dont hate you for that but please explain to me so I can get a little closer to you and see the world through your eyes and through your brain. I am not well informed on this particular topic, I have seen and talked to some people on tumblr , most of them were really helpful and some were just attacking me for no reason, so I would love to see some comments that explain some things about this, and if you have some question feel free to ask them here and I will try to ask them.

Stay awake,


  1. I’m starting to agree that nounself (those pronouns you linked) pronouns are extremely problematic; I mean, this isn’t “starting to accept trans people” stage (someone came out as trans and their family found out about nounself pronouns and immediately started to take them less seriously). I frequent Tumblr, so having a person’s sidebar say “please call me kit, kitself, kits when referring to me” is extremely common. Even worse considering that people who support those pronouns say “just draw a cat!” when approached with the fact that nounself pronouns are a problem when using a foreign language (Chinese in this case – even worse considering that in American Sign Language, you create a space and point). Even even worse considering that some of the people that support those pronouns are completely for making fun of people who are typically against those pronouns’s male private parts… as if those private parts matter when becoming trans.

    Just, ughhh. I can say so many bad things about that part of Tumblr.

    1. Yea it gets quite annoying when you see those things. I mean if you truly want to be equal than you can’t really be special . Indeed I never thought about the language barrier, I tried to translate some pronouns into Serbian, Romanian and German but it was to hard to think of a right word. Meaning if they want to do it globally they have to change languages , a lot of them. Also I consider that those pronouns create stereotypes which is really bad .
      Thanks for the comment 🙂

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