Brain Damaging Thoughts of the Day: Femnazi and Rape Culture

Femnazi , Rape Culture and other brain damaging things

So let me start off with saying that I am behind the we are all equal stuff for everyone, dont care about your gender, skin color or sexuality , for me you are a good person until you prove me wrong, which you can do by being mean or disrespectful.
In this world we face a lot of problems , there are thousands of them. Most people live a easy life compared to others , yet those who have it easy
complain more about it than do anything to make life better for everyone .
First off let me talk with you about Feminazis, now dont get offended this has very little to do with the feminist movement, I think only the name can be connected with feminism.

What are Feminazis?

Feminazis are the so called protectors of women rights , but in fact most of what they do makes other people think that it is actually better to cut of some rights of women than to let them have more “privileges” . What they do is spreading hate for the opposite gender aka the male animal who from their point of view should be punished for being the big oppressor of women.
I have read a lot of post especially on tumblr about this topic and for most of the time I wish there was a way to report a incorrect tag in tumblr so that I could get feminist removed from the tags of those posts . Now I understand that there are a lot of women threated bad by men, but that doesn’t mean every single one of us a monster and a oppressor of women rights. Some of those so called “Social Justice Warrior” or whatever they are called , are thinking of themselves as feminists  yet they do not seem to know or do not want to think of the feminist movement as a movement that promotes equal rights  not one gender being the dominant one and the other his pet. Women should indeed get a lot more privileges , it is true the fact that men are a bit dominant  but still our society has progressed in many ways , you could even say that we are close to a turning point in history where we all will be finally looked upon as equal no matter the gender or sexual orientation or the color of our skin. Its a really difficult thing to do , it requires a lot of change and a lot of time for us to be able to change our way of thinking, it all goes back to the time when we lived in caves and ate raw meat , but we ain’t in that time period anymore and things are really looking good so far as I can see it , except for the fact of Feminazis , and here is why :
When you start writing on your little blog how bad men are and how every single one of them is a potential oppressor  you give the exact opposite of what you want to show to the world. Instead of giving a sing of trying to be equal with men you show them that you want them to be in a cage, castrated and kept as a dangerous animal somewhere far away in the dark , most of the time you contradict yourself and you just act like some child that wasn’t allowed to watch tv because he did something bad and than it blames his/her parents and that it should be allowed to watch tv because it wasn’t really his fault the vase dropped but the parents fault for putting it there.
Anyhow what I want to say is that if you want to have equality you cant give someone more power and someone less power because thats not the definition of equality…

Now lets move on to Rape Culture

No matter how you look at it Rape is a bad thing but thanks to the people out there who are crazy enough to post some idiotic stuff on websites people start to get confused as what rape actually is. After you think hard about it and forget the things that are false claims of rape on tumblr (like “he looked at me and smiled,  I think I was raped” ) than you know that rape is a person aka the rapist using another persons body aka the victims body  to fulfill his sexual desires . Rape can happen to both genders and is not a female-only event that many tumblrers think it is. Yes men do get raped like women do , its hard on both genders and both genders struggle with going to the police with it .  Due to the fact that people try to make everything into being considered rape people of course stop believing everyone who says they were raped . Lets make it a bit clearer with this image :

Now lets make it clear, feminists are not the ones at fault , but the ones that claim to be feminists and yet they don’t have a clue about the world surrounding them. There was also this little story of a “hero” that I really enjoyed, it was about a girl who posted a picture of her arm in bandages and saying that she got hurt by punching a guy too hard just because he made a rape joke .
*sarcastic mod on* I was so inspired by this and moved almost to tears , can you believe the bravery of this girl.
*sarcastic mod off* And the stupidity of this girl , first of all jokes , okay, it was a joke . I know there are things that you shouldn’t joke about but most of the jokes we laugh about are really crazy. I get it that you got offended by that joke but it wasn’t for you to hear it but for his buddy next to him , also hitting him because he made such a joke was a bit too much don’t you think. The guy didn’t do anything to the drunk women who was across the street and she could just tell him that he was rude or something, punching him wasn’t really necessary.
xlarge Kelsey:
I hope your mother/girlfriend/sister/friends/everyone asks what happened to your nose. I hope you have to explain that you thought it’d be funny to joke with your friend about raping the drunk girl across the street. I bet you didn’t think that the girl who was walking in front of you  would turn around and punch you in the face. You’re a filthy piece of shit and I don’t regret this at all. 

All in all I am in for the equality thing but I am sure I will not stand to hear that all men are the same and that we are horrible beings, everyone can be a horrible being , gender or sexuality or skin color don’t have anything to do with being horrible, its just the way you are or you’re not .
One day I am sure we will find ourselves in a society where everyone is equally threated, I wonder what reason you will find to complain than dear people who constantly ruin my mood by posting stupid things on tumblr.

*Feel free to comment and post your point of view on this topic , I’d love to read a lot of comments as long as you aren’t mean , even if you disagree with me on some point , please prove your point without offending others , Thank you *

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