My thoughts on imagination

The Writing Hut

We all now that without a little imagination, a little  creativity you can’t write some fiction stories. But there is a little problem with imagination, it has its own time and its on will or at least that’s how my imagination acts. For me if I use my imagination when I don’t feel anything it doesn’t work. I still can write but it wont be as good as when I have a feeling that runs through my whole body , a feeling that I am in another world.
To be honest with you when I force myself to write I write some horrible things, they do not sound good nor are enjoyable to read. But there is always things that can boost my imagination or at least help me go into the right direction to enter my own world.  The most important things for my imagination are going out and music, and by going out I mean going outside for a walk meet friends and enjoy nature. A walk alone near a river or through a part of town that is not so much populated is something that gets me into a thinking mood , in a mood when my imagination starts to run wild .
I think its beautiful what the human mind can come up to, its even more amazing to meet some individuals that have a really fast thinking brain and a huge imagination, with those people you can create a new universe in less than a hour.

So what are your thoughts on imagination?
What brings you in the mood to imagine a new world?

Stay awake,

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