To fulfill a live long dream she got help from a psychologist to pour cleaner in her eyes!
The 30-year-old North Carolina woman named Jewel Shuping who suffers from Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a rare psychological disorder that makes people feel like they should be disabled.
In her case it was blindness, she felt she should be blind.
Now this would interest me in a bit if it wouldn’t be for the psychologist, how could he do that?
There are a lot of things that we can’t understand yet, but was this the right solution to help this woman?
I think not. What if she decides she wants to see again, what will happen than?
Here is the full article from Jizzabell:
The thing is she will probably take away resources from people who are born blind, making her special in society she will cost people money. Let’s be honest it’s all about the money, I mean it could’ve gone to something more important than helping her out because she made herself blind.
But whatever, you decide what you want to think about it, I guess the less fortunate in brain functions will say that she is a hero while the people who actually use their brain will say how idiotic that move was.