Another interesting romance manga by the creator of Full Dozer.
You know I am a sucker for romance mangas already and let’s say I am intrigued by the story of this one. A common theme in the works of Komura Ayumi, the girl always chasing the boy and I really love this, even if it’s a bit of a cliche.
So a garden “otaku” (garden obsessed) girl joins the baseball team to get closer to her crush, isn’t that cute. Let’s say the story can pass as an good one since the characters are quite lovable. Short story even shorter, it’s one of those girl chasing dense boy mangas, while the girl herself is dense, comedy and awkward situations ensured.
Miss Ayumi has an interesting way of developing her characters, it makes the story more believable. Both MC’s are dense and similar in some ways, but then again very different…which doesn’t tell you much but I just don’t want to spoil things for you, I mean common it starts off really fast, so I could spoil a lot with a tiny info.
Her drawing style is currently one of my favorites styles. The eyes are just eye catching and as mention her style is currently one of my favorites so I really like it.
Personal Enjoyment:
Two chapters in and I am enjoying, what can I say romance lovers get your hands on this one!
The full review will let you know if it’s good, mediocre or bad. So far I can only tell you that romance lovers will enjoy it, others a bit less.
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