Everything is Rape! Have you checked your rapist privileges today?

The Writing Hut

Welcome to the “me” generation where we make everything about us. Today I come with you with a horrible video about rape. A video that degrades and humiliates every rape victim out there by destroying the meaning of the word and creating a new definition for it:

Domestic violence rapes the witnesses.
Slut Shaming rapes the witnesses.
Thoughts are rape.
Rape is everywhere and everything you want it to be.

So let’s watch the video first and let me know what you think:


This is what I have been writing about all year, weekly about this kind of idiotic and ignorant thinking. The tumblr feminist definition of words such as “rape” and “harassment”.
It is thanks to this kind of people that rape starts to lose it’s seriousness. Just listen to what she says, she claims to be raped every day and no one does anything about it.
I would understand if the video was about how our society is build with old and new traditions clashing, where slut shaming  didn’t exist because no one cared about it and no one thought about it as bad. But no it is about rape, a video against rape that shows that rape isn’t a forced sexual act but rather thoughts, teasing and domestic violence.

I am really sick to see such video and the worst part is it feels like they come from the same narrow-minded people, those damn tumblr feminist/SJWs/feminazis. Same like the “potty mouth princesses”, this video just make things worse.

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