The gentle wind reminds me of the sound of your voice
There is no silence where I am
It’s like we walk on metal
And it’s always raining close to my heart
But your voice is the loudest thing in my head
It creates so much hate
Makes me feel so bad
So why don’t you just drown me
Hit me hard, let me fall to the ground
Break my soul, break my body, break my heart
But at least kill me in the end
Don’t leave me, because my will to live might be stronger than you think
If left alone I will get up, all on my own
I will find people to support me
People who will love me
And I will come after you
I will break you into little pieces
Take you down from your high horse
No remorse…
Without you, I might be dead for a year or two
But without you, I will be free
I will able to do things that you didn’t want me to do
Won’t say thank you, I won’t say I warned you
Just so you know
I stopped loving you.
Tag: stopped loving you
Poetry Month Poem #11: Stopped loving