The Writing Hut wishes you a Merry Christmas.
I hope that Santa brought you everything you wished for and if he didn’t remember there is always next year.
The Writing Hut wishes you a Merry Christmas.
I hope that Santa brought you everything you wished for and if he didn’t remember there is always next year.
It was a really rough morning , I was woken up by the sound of my neighbors banging the hammer violently on some poor piece of metal. Of course they did it with ill intent to crush that metal piece into smaller pieces and not to take away my beauty sleep, some people are just like that. I walked outside my room to the terrace and looked down at my cat laying in the middle of everything just chilling. At my terrace there were some grapes, still green but still good for waking up lazy cats at 1 pm. I know right who wakes up at 1pm , its like the night wasn’t even over and you have to wake up. The grapes were firm and hard, I took one and let it fall down , it missed the body of the cat for a bit, lucky it hit her in right in the head. Its not that I hate cats, but this one was special , I hated it the most out of everything else. It didn’t start with all hate, its just that the love and affection from everyone made the cat think its the freaking king of this house. Dumb animal do I always have to show who is smarterisher . Anyhow dumb animal aside, or rather not, my brother was sleeping in the next room , you could see the little golden poop laying on his bad with his headphones still on and the mouse on him , the laptop near him. Probably played LoL again, I could hear all night moans like an a porn movie “F*ck, you sl*ts , Asian best religion” . Maybe the last one isn’t so common in porn. My mother came out and started screaming about how launch is ready , she still doesn’t know that its first breakfast , launch is at 6pm and dinner is when ever you feel like it . Oh well it was enough to wake the golden boy up. We went downstairs, mom made some nice food , everything was ready on the table we had just to dig in . We both sat down without exchanging a word and started eating. The things that we exchanged were hateful looks . On the table was a plastic bottle of yogurt , staying there open not harassing or oppressing me as those white fluid usually does. My brother still half awake had a desire in his sleepy eyes when he saw the bottle. Usually before you pour it you shake it a bit , but this isn’t a normal situation is it?
I always enjoy my mornings when interesting happen in my household , like the last time when my grand mother broke 3 chairs in a row. But its not her fault , the constant drinking of watter during her life made her bones swell up, other than that she’d be lighter than Ariana Grade, who she knows about due some a error in the TV network, instead of showing the Turkish soap on tv they showed Arianas Problems. Anyhow back to this morning, it was a real peace of artwork as my brother took the bottle of oppressing yogurt that represented the brush and shook it violently as if he would maneuver his joystick . His body represented the canvas that he colored with the yogurt color. I enjoyed the majestic sights of yogurt splattering on his pj’s . The wonderful silence that made the moment of laughter even more enjoyable was all that I needed. He lost the battle this morning , but the war will go on until one of us actually accomplishes something in his life. Not to brag but I am currently working under the King Cat as its Royal Wakeuper , or as he call it “Meow you tall sh*t meow” . Stay awake , I will update you as soon as something interesting happens, and you know that will be soon.