How did you get there you two? Like how the hell did you get to speak in front of the UN about censoring the internet?
You know what this is it. I knew the UN was shit before due to them bombing my country and other idiotic stuff said on their “gatherings” , but now I am sure it’s freaking shit. And I won’t just ignore it anymore. It’s just too much you know, it’s the two worst possible people representing the feminine gender telling how they are constantly insulted and their opinion is not the law and how we should censor the internet because of that.
I call bullshit on this one, Anita and Zoe are going to talk about the internet?
They are feminazis, but for real. Everything who disagrees with them is like fucking Hitler, except with no power and the possibility of losing his or her EVERYTHING, because disagreeing with Anita or Zoe.
Not surprised that those fossils in the UN would eat up this, because they would be able to control the internet with this, a thing that a lot of countries want to do. After all the internet is a leaderless place and is something that can bring destruction onto humanity as it is, and of course those morons want to control it.
Saying cyber violence is the same as physical violence….for Ras sake, are you retarded?
I do agree that mental pain can be sometimes worse than some physical pain, but then again I think someone getting his/her hand cut off is way worse than a disagreement on a topic.
No, no, no fucking way those two are living in reality. Like how can you create such a bubble?
I am a writer, an amature one but I consider myself serious in that craft and I can’t create such a image in real life!
You are supposed to be really high or really drunk to create a world around you and see it like you want no matter what others say.
A joke that turned into reality. Something that started as a joke turned into something more than a simple hashtag. A user apparently faked Brianna Wu’s twits making it look like she was sent some messages with the hashtag #PizzaGate. The edited message was by the user KachoArinoDesu:
Of course it was fake and of course dumb people thought that it is real. Let’s take for an example the idiots from Mirror. Now those fools wrote two freaking articles about PizzaGate. One explaining how it is some kind of fake joke but with a terrible secret meaning. It is actually (as Mirror claims) an excuses for people to harass women. Common Mirror, do you think that everything is about women, PizzaGate is so totally related to women isn’t it?
The second article was about the true PizzaGate, that didn’t really trend at that time. A pizza slice that hit the legendary Sir Alex Ferguson in the face and slid down onto his black suit before his 49-game winning streak was broken. Which of course is known through Brittany and most of Europe because we love our football(soccer).
But on the other part of the world, the joke hashtag got even more popular when MudaneMatt posted a twit about his point of view about pineapples as pizza toppings. Even as a joke hashtag, PizzaGate was trending, thanks to the community and the SJW’s who really didn’t get the joke. It was right there next to the Super Bowl hashtag crating a big fuss. Everyone wondered what it is and some people started to add their own definitions to it which caused more harm for them than for GamerGate. After all PizzaGet was up there with Super Bowl on the day of Super Bowl which is pretty crazy.
The SJWs, White Knights and others who seek to change society so that they don’t feel bad for being a useless member of it, started to define PizzaGate as an attack at women. I can’t really see the connection nor am I able to think how they could possibly connect Pizza to harassment. Indeed it makes you fat but it is too good to pass on. Anyhow it’s not so uncommon for them to misunderstand the meaning of the word satire, like Sue Park proved.
But thanks to those people we have things to laugh at like:
Pizzatriarchy ,Its about the ethics in Pizza journalism, etc.
Edit: I wrongly accused MundaneMatt for creating the hashtag and would like to apologize for the inconvenience and thank him for correcting me.
If you want to know more about it check out :
Or MundaneMatt’s video about it :
I had it really with this criticism of Anita Shakenpoop, her idioticy is beyond the norm. First of all she earned a huge amount of money because she criticized games and brainwashed people who clearly have no understanding of how games work. So ABC picked up Anita’s professional victim show and turned that into money for their already crappy channel. The threat of violence that is all to real just because she pointed out sexism in games. Common ABC, journalists and reporters of this world, is it really that hard to ask a gamergate supporter if they want to kill Anita or post a bomb in her house. Also if you would read the police report about the alleged bomb in her university speech, which she of course had to cancel, it turns out that the bomb threat was fake. Anita is going on and on how she is attacked online and oh how many rape threats she gets. This moronic woman, I cannot hold this inside of me I tried to be polite but she is just too much, so this moronic woman is shown escorted by two police officers in a , what from my point of view looks like a really expensive car. The worst part about it she is smiling, almost laughing like she enjoys being threatened. Chances are that this was all staged and that the cops were just some of her slaves and the car was probably rented or bought with the money she got from brain washed people.
Now my hate towards her is not based on her gender, its based on her lies and her false facts and claims. I mean I hate her idiotic producer too and that producer is a guy. So you say women are facing a real backlash, but you don’t even know how much girls in gaming are supported. It is true Anita is hated online, but you forget one important thing about the internet. The internet doesn’t hate you without a good reason, no matter who you are if you are a good person you’ll be loved online, if you make a mistake you will be hated. Anita just made too many mistakes.
You see this chart shows how gaming helps reduce violence. You don’t believe in this chart do you?
Well let me “dissect” it like Anita dissects games and shows how sexist they are, but compared to her facts mine will be backed by evidence.
What are actually games, just think about it and you will see why this theory actually works.
So if you thought about it and still don’t know I will explain it to you.
Games are a way to escape reality, you basically enter in another world. Its the same as books and music but it’s just more interactive. You are now in a new world and forget the stress, anger and all the things that are in the real world. If you tell me games can not make you calmer you clearly don’t game, like Anita.
Anita is just a hypocrite, one day she says she doesn’t play games and on another day she says that she is a gamer and blames the industry that there are not enough female main characters and that girls and women are used only as objects in games. Which is total bullshit. I said it it is total bullshit, there are a lot , a huge amount of female main characters who are just epic. Even some support characters, female characters are epic like for example my favorite Jaina Proudmore. One of the most epic mages in the world of Warcraft.
Anita comes inside the gamer community as an outsider and she tries to change it. Its really like me going into the metal community and tell them , nah bros you should use benjos and bells and harps instead of guitars and drums.
Anyhow she complains about her life is threatened online, its not really that uncommon. To be honest I , who is not really a public persona or too famous for anything, I have received death threads, called names , told that I was a supporter of genocide just because I am of a specific nacionality, called white while I am more like hispanic than white.
You know what Anita does, she is the freaking definition of a racist and sexist. Think about it , she stereotypes every single gamer by their gander and sex. After all she says that every gamer is a white male pig. The worst part is that she ears a huge amount of money with her hate against people who are trying to change things. She hates 4chan who , indeed is a creepy place but that freaking creepy place has helped a 100 times more people than Anita has with her research and speeches.
Anyhow to get to my point, everyone has the right to have an opinion, but if you as an individual start to play the victim just because one or two people told you that your opinion sucks (in Anitas case there are probably in the thousands who disagree with her) you are a worthless human being. Instead of proving your theory, you are just playing a child’s game by pointing at the other side and saying that they are getting angry because you are right.
I will just leave this videos here and go take a pill for my brain damage from watching her ABC interview :
This one is for the faithless , regardless where you are
Near or far , This is for the seekers of the truth
This one is for you , the gamers know whats true
Though times come and go away
But our games they stay
They want to take them away
But we take our stand
We won’t look the other way, we won’t pretend
GamerGate is our special event
Its our time to change history
The victors of this war we will be