This label has been the theme of a lot of controversy. A label people often associated with things like lazy, anti-social, useless, nerd, geek, no lifer and other bad terms. With time passing and the growth of the gaming community people slowly started to change their mind about gamers. After all we have proven many times that being a gamer doesn’t mean that we are anti-social or useless, in fact we are like everyone else that has a hobby. But there is a huge oppressive force that wants the term gamer gone. We all thought it will soon end, we as gamers won’t be associated with bad things but rather we would looked onto as normal human beings without adding a bad attribute to us just because we are gamers.
I personally heard it all, from “you will destroy your brain” to “games are for Satans spawns” . And when I thought that we are finally close to be accepted it happened. We were called dead by the people whom we admired for writing about our hobby, we were called racist by people who labeled us as white individuals in their mid 30s. Also misogynist by the same people who called us racist and who rightfully claim to fight against social injustice where none exists. It’s those kind of people that create hate where none exists. Indeed gamers are specific. We do things our own way, it might be weird for you but we enjoy it that way. Gamers are all unique in their own yet all of us are connected with that one passion, one love for playing games.
So why should I stand by and just watch you ruin everything I love just so you can make more money?
When you say gamer, I don’t about gender, I don’t think about sexuality, I don’t think about race…I think about what game this gamer plays and wonder if he is any good.
You say gaming is a “boys club” that has no girls allowed on it’s club door, but you know what there are at least a million amazing girls who don’t think this way. AT LEAST A MILLION.
Everyone taste is different, some people enjoy shooters while others enjoy RPG’s and others are just casuals. And you who are a casual want to tell me that the game I play sucks because you don’t like it and you want it changed so that you like it?
Well excuse f-ing me for being so rude.
This is what happens when you try to bring equality to a community where the only value is skill. If you are a gamer you strive to be better at your game. On your way to the top you will meet a lot of interesting and amazing people, but there are also idiots in all kind of shapes, colors and genres. Now what you want to do is to divide those things. Instead of being just a gamer it has to be a trans gamer or a girl gamer or an african-american gamer or a gay gamer. Just adding more and more labels where labels aren’t needed.
My definition of gamer is different than yours. For me a gamer is a person who loves games and plays them a lot. I don’t really care if they are casual or hardcore games as long as it is fun it doesn’t matter. Everyone can be a gamer, even your grandma. Finding happiness in gaming is something that many of us do, we escape reality. Why do you want to ruin our escape from our real life problems by importing your beliefs, your freaking social justice inside games?
Gamer are not judging you, you are judging them. I just want to play games nothing more, I am not hurting anyone while doing. So why don’t you just let me live my life?
Stay Awake,
The Solkotovic