I, I can’t feel like crying
I can only feel like dieing
The madness is finally catching up to me
What shall I do?
What shall I be?
Is it your first time you are in the dark?
Is it your first attack?
Was this your last first chance
Or do you still want to dance?
Not the first time, nor the last
I was here before, and I swore again and again I won’t come back
I won’t dance again
But here I am, here I am light on my feet
Dancing with the devil from within
Deciding if I should sin
I wonder what shall we dance today?
Will you lead or must I?
Is it my time to die?
Dear devil, do you ever cry?
Again we see, that you are me,
I am no devil, I am the true you
Quite dark isn’t it, well you can change that in a heart beat
But that’s not up to you
So how can you change it? What will you do?
How dare you ask me such a idiotic question?
Like you always know, I am the one that beat you before
You might be new, but remember only I am true
What will I Do? What will you do?
What I will do?
Let the darkness eat you
Make your heart die from the inside out
Create the devils art
Rip your bodd appart
Let the darkness inside of your heart, won’t you?
Why do you care anyway?
Don’t you always say you’d be better dead anyway?
What’s the hold up in here, shall we dance or do you want to drink a beer?
As charming as you are, Miss Devil
You can’t replace my shining star, no matter who you are I’ll go near and far, in my mind now you are
Trapped in here for eternity, wasting time with me
But don’t think I am cruel as you, I will give you freedom even if I don’t know you
What do you want to see?
What do you want to be?
Is the Devil really mad at me?
Or does she want to be more free?
You dare mock me, mortal scum
What are those questions you ask me?
Do you think you can outsmart me?Well you better flee
Because the victor is always me
Do you not read the Holy Books?
Do you not know the story?
What’s the point of fighting?
Is it honor and glory?
That’s what makes the difference between you and me
I can, while you cannot see
We are the same, yet you cannot understand
I do not fight you, I do not want to destroy you
After all I am you.