First of all good job on censoring your comment section. Are you again thinking that you are a victim of something, I mean it passed a lot of time since you were important in any way. You turned off the youtube comments because you get harassment comments, oh my god tell me how does that make you special. I freaking made a video about how you can remove a weapon from someone in a model editing program for Warcraft and I was told to kill myself and go die. Its the same for everyone, we are all the same online as there are no ganders unless you want them to know that you are a special snow flake while gaming . Most of the people gaming started to get used to the girls that play games, we are not some caveman who has never talked to a girl or has never seen one. Anyhow lets move on to your little producer Jonathan Mcintosh who is a white male oppressor who thinks that we will take him serious just because he is male ? I don’t think so.
So you are telling me that I have a privilege as a male gamer, listen to me, every time I was home and started to play a game I was critiqued on how unproductive I am, that I will never get a girlfriend. My grandmother is more old fashion and thanks to my male gamer privileges I was seen as the Satan’s child itself. I have the privilege as a male gamer to be the outcast of society. But that’s only your introduction and its so wrong. You are saying its concrete evidence…well where is the evidence that I have it better than others? Lets move on:
1) Indifference to the harassment of women in gaming spaces
First of all I am not indifferent to that, if something like that happens I try to stop it, unless its freaking trash talk. Do you know what trash talk is, do you? So lets see trash talking is about telling something to the opponent to get into his head and making him unsure about his ability to win. Even before the video games there was trash talking in sports. If you ever played sports in high school or in college, I am a professional basketball player, you know the trash talk can get really intense . From telling you something about your mother to telling you that you are not good enough , that’s trash talking, after the game you shake hands and the better takes home the victory. You consider that harassment, which is only harassment due to your definition of it, while on mine its just some trash talk that really is just a wast of breath.
2) I am never told that video games or the surrounding culture isn’t intended for me because I am male.
You a 30 something looking guy were never told that games are for kids and that you shouldn’t play them?
I as a 18 year old had heard that I shouldn’t play games so because games are for kids… Whats wrong with you?
The cruel reality is that what makes money is created again and again what doesn’t is just created once, if it sells its recreated if it doesn’t they move to a new project, thats how everything works.
3)I can publicly post my username online because I am a male and I can’t get harassed.
Um you have maybe heard about Milo Yiannopoulos, now you might not know what happened to him but Ill tell you the story. He got doxxed, he is by the way white male privileged, and yes he got doxxed and his address was posted online. A package was delivered to his house, it contained a dead animal. Now this is not the only example of people getting harassed , even though they are male, some people lost their jobs other just got threatened. Its the internet, people do not care about their gender if they can destroy you, there are a lot of people that want to make others suffer.
4) I will never be ask to prove my gaming cred just because of my gender
You always have to prove if you are good in a game, this has nothing to with gender. Men are not natural talents for games , please stop stereotyping all the male and female gamers , making the male gamers good and making all the female gamers horrible.
There are good male gamers and good female gamers, everyone can get good in a game if they play it seriously . It has nothing to do with gender but rather dedication.
5) If I enthusiastically express my fondness for video games no one will assume that I am faking my interest just to get attention
No but you will be :
a)Lectured on how much time you spend on games
b) Told how of a failure you are because you are a gamer
c) You will be a virgin for life
d) They will tell you how you are wasting your life
People sometimes fake their interest in something just to get some attention from the people in that circle. Its not just in video games, sometimes girls are interested in sports because a hot guy is playing in one of the teams, men are sometimes interested in fashion just because they want to look good for the girls , or take interest in cooking to impress someone. If they are found out of course they will be accused of faking like in everything else. Its the same like you Anita, I really can’t thank you for this example:
Anita knows nothing about games but needs some cash.
Anita has an great idea , she will tell people that games are sexist and that she needs money to do research on it and try to fix the problem.
Anita creates a video that only shows the bad parts of gaming and thus creates a huge amount of problems for games who want to enjoy the games and in the same time Anita gets the attention she needed + a great amount of cash.
You go girl….to hell.
6) I can look at practicly at any gaming website, show or magazin and I can see the voices of people of my own gender wildly represented
This is only for now because girls weren’t interested in games until the developed. I mean way back at the start of the gaming industry no girl would like to play a game due to the construction of the social structure. Now girls play more games , and each year the girl gamers are increased and therefor their voice is getting stronger and stronger. Like when you learn the language of the dragons in Skyrim, you cant learn everything in 5 minutes, you need to work your way up.
7) When I go to a gaming event, I will be certain I won’t be groped or catcalled
Oh really ask this guy if he was harassed MrRepzion , go ahead ask him . That’s right, I am sorry, males can’t be actually raped, harassed or groped or catcalled right ?
8) I would never be asked or expected to speak for gamers that share my gender
So why should anyone speak to everyone and represent every gamer of their gender ?
9) I can be sure that my gaming performance good or bad won’t be attributed or reflected on my gender as a whole
No matter the gender if you are a noob you will get screamed at or read some insulting text in the chat. You will never get insulted because you are a girl or a boy , you will get insulted if you are a bad player no matter the gander. You suck you will be told, this has nothing to do with gender.
10) My gaming ability wont never be called into question based on unrelated natural biological functions
Well that is not true. The voice of some people can be used as an insult, but most of the time you will get insulted because as said in response of the 9th stupidity you will be insulted because your bad plays. Your body will be used so that the insult hurts you more.
11) My thoughts won’t be attacked
They will be no matter the gender , there is at least one person that will disagree with you and that will be enough for others to join others.
12) I can openly say that my games are casual,etc,etc without fear that my opinion wont enforce stereotypes
You will not be called a casual just because you are a girl, you will be called a casual just because you play those games. We don’t care about that, but what we do care about is when you say that Bewjewl Quest is the same as Call of Duty, and that Call of Duty should be changed so that it is similar to Bewjewl Quest.
13) I will not be asked if I’d buy it for my wife, daughter or girlfriend.
They ask you because they want to sell you more games. If you say I am buying me for myself , they will tell you to buy you another similar game that they are sure that you will enjoy .
14) Wast majority of game studios are male , so they make things for the male gender bla bla bla
Of course we get to the money problem again. Listen if it sells its gonna be made if it doesn’t sell it won’t be made. Not all games are made by males, check Byoneta and Kings Quest.
15)Every store has powerful male heroes
Girls that are cover girls for magazines are not fit for you and therefor you just don’t accept them as female because they are to masculine.
16)I will almost always have the option to play as my gender as most of the protagonist are male?
Have you ever played an RPG or MMORPG ? If there are not thousands of games that you can chose to be male or female, in some you can be a ferret if you want to be.
I will post the second part tomorrow as I am to much Brain Damaged to continue this. This video has created so many gender issues that are not actual gender issues . There are so many things that repeat , especially 17-19 that I will cover in the next part of this article.
Stay awake dear brain damaged readers,
The Solkotovic