A prime example of a tumblr feminist, that I mention in my video here.
Miss Marie here will be the first of many horrific people to join our Fool of the Week series that I plan to post weekly(as the name states).
A politically active artists who fights against white supremacy.
“Its on US to end white supremacy.” she says while spreading the message of fighting the white devil.
She starts the same as any other feminist ” x infiltrates all the parts of our lives.” . You can literary take anything and put it instead of x and it would be the feminist agenda, be it sexism, racism, patriarchy, white supremacy and so on.
The first question, she makes it so obvious that she is crazy, even before that you notice that there is something wrong with her. She doesn’t like the word racism, she is using white supremacy instead, because only white people can be racist. Really racism is just white supremacy.
When asked “Can black people be racist?” ,by the host, she avoids the question at first and then says that “people of color can be supporters of white supremacy ideas.” she denies that black people can be racist on the fact that only white people have the power to be able to be racist. Basically what you get from her is this narrow-minded opinion that white people are the worst, the only people who can be racist are they.
She is that type of feminist that has only one side of the story in her mind and denies everything that goes against her one belief. By her theory, in America people are thought that whites are the best and above the rest, which to me is total crazy talk. And the host corrects her, he explains that people of other races are put in front of white people and she just denies it.
See this is why you gender studies professors need to change what you are teaching. It’s your fault that you brainwashed so many people that preach your beliefs and don’t even notice how dumb they are and how far away from reality they are.
And of course when the 1 in 4 girls are raped myth comes up she gets a bit angry and says that it’s a fact, not a false statistic. But you can’t really go with logic against a feminist now can you?
Common feminist, how much proof do you need to get rid of the 1 in 4 rape statistic on campus?
We been through this multiple times, the survey was idiotic and if it was true we would have so many people in jail.
Presented with some rape statistic about black guys raping more she just denied it again and the host being awesome adds salt to the wound by saying “You would like it to be the other way around since it would fit your agenda.” which leaves her speechless.
This is why we need a better education. We need more open minded people who will look into the real statistics, not just take a flier and believe everything is says on it just because it says “Feminist Guide” or something like that.
Just watch the whole interview you will notice her hypocrisy and how narrow minded she is.